"Advanced Automation Technologies. PTA - 2012" exhibition news, 01-Oct-2012
Announce: On 10th of October in Moscow round table "Solutions improving efficiency of industrial processing control at fuel-and-energy companies and chemical industry enterprises" will be held within the exhibition "Advanced automation technologies. PTA - 2012".
On 10th of October from 10:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. in 5th pavilion of the Central exhibition complex "Expocentre" the round table conference "Solutions improving efficiency of industrial processing control at fuel-and-energy companies and chemical industry enterprises" will take place within the International specialized exhibition "Advanced automation technologies. PTA - 2012".
Questions for discussion:
- Are the companies ready to present high-performance solutions for enterprise automation in Russia? Does Russia has desired resources and knowledge?
- Opportunities and experience interaction with design institutes for development of integrated program and technical solutions based on technological modernization and reconstruction
- Strategy of transfer of high intellectual knowledge on solutions implementation and forwarding, including personnel component that is and actual problem in Russia today
Moderator: Rubshtein A.V. - assistant general director for automation of companies "ITSK".
Participants - representatives of companies Honeywell, Gazprom-neft, Hyperion Systems Engineering Russia, SPB-XXI and others.
On the round table completing a standing dinner will be arranged.