Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Russian Industrialist - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

International Machine Building Exhibition

Date: 28.09.2010 - 01.10.2010 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city


Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"Russian Industrialist - 2010" exhibition news, 17-Feb-2010

Announce: On February 10th, in Smolny, there was a meeting of organization committee on preparation for International Industrial Forum "Russian Industrialist - 2010".

On February 10th, in Smolny, there was a meeting of the organization committee on preparation for International Industrial Forum "Russian Industrialist - 2010". The chairman was Vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg Mikhail Oseevsky. The head of Directors Board of research-and-technology and industrial exhibitions, congresses of "Lenexpo" OJSC Vladimir Nikiforov informed about the decisions, made at the meeting of the organization committee.

The organization committee passed a resolution on carrying out the International Industrial Forum "Russian Industrialist - 2010" and the 3rd St. Petersburg Innovation Forum as one event within the framework of the Russian Innovation Week, which will be held at "Lenexpo" from September 28th to October 1st, 2010.

The organization committee approved the list of exhibitions of the International Industrial Forum "Russian Industrialist - 2010". One more exhibition will be added to the list of eight scheduled exhibitions. The "Exhibition of Information Technologies, Communications, and Communication Means" will become the part of the forum.

The "Space Technologies" exposition and congress programs, which are devoted to the 40th anniversary of the lunar landing of the first landing vehicle "Lunokhod - 1", will be held within the framework of the exhibition "Mechatronics and Robotechnics".


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