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Rosupak - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

16th International Specialized Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment, Materials and Technologies for Packing Manufacture. Packing for All Sectors of Industry

Date: 14.06.2011 - 18.06.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Industrial Exhibitions

"Rosupak - 2011" exhibition news, 13-Apr-2011

Announce: As a part of the exhibition "Rosupak - 2011" (14th - 18th of June, Moscow) the 5th International exhibition "Logistics and Warehousing" will take place, it is devoted to automation, current technologies, packing systems, machines and equipment for modern

As a part of "Rosupak - 2011" the 5th International exhibition "Logistics and Warehousing" will take place, it is devoted to automation, current technologies, packing systems, machines and equipment for modern warehouse. Co-organizer of the exhibition - company Mizunov Media Group.

At the exhibition "Logistics and Warehousing" leading companies of the market such as Solos, "Kifato TD", "Polimetall-M", "Shelf Systems Inernational", "Fabs Logistic", "Stroypromet", "First Logistic", "Warehouse world", TMT Group and "Russian shelf" will show various kinds of shelves; companies MSK KG, "Solvo", "Modern technologies group" and Firstlinesoftware will present systems for warehouse automation; Sarapul electric generators works, "Sevko", CTK Group, "Prioritet PTK", Azia M-H, "Eurocara", Company "4K" and "Universal-Spetstekhnika" will exhibit various kinds of storing equipment, including platform and palette jacks, stacker-trucks, loaders and attached implements.

"IPlast", "Schoeller Arca Systems", "TaraPolimer" and "Tara.ru" will acquaint visitors of the exhibition with varied kinds of tare for storing various products and freights.

Such companies as Flokontrol, "Infotech and Service", Logistic coordination board, Kravtel, ITKOR, TVA, Attico, VL Logistik will also take part in the exhibition, they will present their resent developments including machines for warehouse automation, various warehousing equipment, transport and customs services as well as conveyer systems.

Business program of the exhibition includes demo-show of storing equipment (pavilion № 1, hall № 4) which will be held from 14th to 18th of June.

On 15th of June specialized technical seminar "Innovative technologies and newest devices for data collection in the field of logistics" (scanners and wireless terminals LXE and Datalogic) will be held. The company "Solvo" together with companies LXE and Datalogic will present the newest high-performance data collectors (pavilion № 1, conference hall № 2).

On 16th of June before midday the international conference "Selection of warehouse management system (WMS) by the example of successful decisions" will take place. Business cases on implementation of warehousing automatic accounting systems will be presented by companies MSK Consulting Group, Axelot, Solvo and LogistiX (pavillion № 1, conference hall № 2).

After midday a round table dedicated to discussion of project of Russian state standard "Warehousing equipment. Shelves. Technical conditions" will take place. The standard extends to metal dismountable shelvings for container and package freight. It is expected that new domestic Federal standard will confirm indivisible terminology and requirements for shelves designing, installing and exploitation. The event will be held in conference hall № 2 (pavilion № 1).


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