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Security and Safety - SFITEX - 2009

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18th International Exhibition "Security and Safety"

Date: 17.11.2009 - 20.11.2009 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: MVK company, office in St. Petersburg

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety

"Security and Safety - SFITEX - 2009" exhibition news, 07-Oct-2009

Announce: On November 17-20, in Saint Petersburg, The 18th International Exhibition "Security and Safety - SFITEX - 2009" is going to be held.

On November 17-20, in Saint Petersburg, The 18th International Exhibition "Security and Safety - SFITEX - 2009" is going to be held.

The International Exhibition "Security and Safety - SFITEX" is the oldest annual event in Russia in the sphere of safety, it was started in 1992. It got the status of international safety forum in the late 90s. At present the exhibition "Security and Safety - SFITEX" is the largest event in the North-East Europe, on the platform of which the leading national and foreign companies present the newest samples of equipment, modern technologies, latest achievements and project developments in all sectors of security and safety industry.

An official patronage upon the exhibition confer:

  • Munisry of the Russian Federation on Civil Defense, Emergency and Disaster Control
  • Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Service on Technical and Export Control of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Agency on Information Technologies of the Russian Federation
  • Secretariat of Pleninpotentary Envoy of Russia President in the North-West Federal District
  • Government of Saint Petersburg

The main sections of the exhibition:

  • Security technical means
  • Emergency and rescue means. Systems and means of fire safety
  • Systems and means of information protection and special technical means
  • Traffic safety

By now the following companies stated their willingness to participate in the exhibition "Security and Safety - SFITEX": Acumen Int Corp., Secvior, Priborostroitel (Vyborg), Axis Communications, Spectron SPb, DSSL, Elix, Alfa-Pribor (Tula), Argus-Spectr, Electra-N (Veliky Novgorod), Armo-Peterburg, Ritm, Atlas NTC, Bastion (Rostov-on-Don), BIK-Inform, ErvrisT, Bolid, ekey Rus, Vesda, Gefest, Tenzor (Rybinsk), Siberian Arsenal (Novosibirsk), Teko (Kazan), ITV, SMD (Tolyatti), Ogneborets, Eternis, Systemservice, Pozhtechnika, Technomash, Anna, Surtel, Batman, F-R (Petrozavodsk), All systems, KAS, Eltis, Alpro, Lomofonoff, Ista-Komplekt, Eletek Systems, Rielta, Company Garant, EVS, Souzcpetsproekt, Teos, Spetsmontazhavtomatika (Armavir), Corporation Skyros, Rubezh TD (Saratov), VERS (Novosibirsk), Vitek (Saratov) NPF K-Engineering, Magistral-SKN, Start-7 (Zarechny), Modus-N, Polyservice, Ravelin ltd., Paritet (Podolsk) G-M-P, SPb Komplekt, SKD, Distribution Center STA, Stilsoft (Stavropol), Plazma-T, Center-Proton (Chelyabinsk), Electronic Systems SPb, Technic Service SB, Tachion, Arsenal-Telekom, Security Expert (Perm), MZEP-OKHRANA, North-West Center of Information Integrated Protection, Arsenal of Safety (Omsk), Copncern "Russian Weapons", PUPER.RU (Veliky Novgorod) and many others.

The world top brands will present their equipment at the exhibition: GRINNELL, XTRALIS, TYCO, Paradox Security Systems, OPTEX, Dallmeier electronic, ASIM Technologies, Teleste, Arecont, JVC, WISEBOX, ROHM, Fargo Telecom, Radiocrafts, National Semiconductor, GRUNDFOS, TECOFL, MOTOROLA, NAPCO, DCS, COMPUTAR, Fischer Connectors, NXP, Teleste, Schrock-Seconet, Bosch, GE Security, Fujinon, Pinetron, Qwonn, Keri Systems, Trassir, Sagem, Smartec, Panasonic, SANYO, ELKA, Nedap, TagMaster, INTER-M, PELKO, effeffIKON, VESDA, AV-Tech, Infinity, Hi-Sharp, Man Boon, CQR, Aritech, Apollo, ABLOY, GENERAL ELECTRIC, SONY, Viking, Kowa, ARGOVISION, Samsung, MINTRON, YOKO, CNB, FUHO, AV-TECH и другие.

The exhibition in Saint Petersburg always had its peculiarities when compared with the similar events. One of such peculiarities is its intense exhibition programme.

The exhibition "Security and Safety - SFITEX - 2008" as well as its concurrent programme events were visited by over 20,000 experts from 156 Russian cities and 23 countries.


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