Интеграция - 2025

Press Release

Security and Safety Technologies - 2010

The XV Anniversary show "Security and Safety Technologies - 2010" was held on February 2-5 at Crocus Expo once again confirming its status of the leading technical event of the national security and safety industry. The Forum has drawn attention of 200 exhibitors and 15 000 unique professional visitors.

In 2010, security and safety systems and solutions - the largest section of the exhibition - presented Panasonic, ITV, Acumen, AAM Systems, Axis Communications, DSSL, V1 Electronics, ISS, Cisco, Siemens, Informsvyaz-IS, Kompaniya Bezopasnost, Soyuzspetsavtomatika, Ultra Star, TehnikServis. The companies Qnap Services, Aktiv-SB, Novo, Firm NELK, Syurtel', Maskom and many others displayed their security solutions for IT and communication; Kompaniya Garant, Mavili Elektronik, Fire Automated Service - security solutions for fire safety and control, the companies Corporation "Zashchita", М2М Telematica, B&W International, Volkswagen - safety solutions for transport security. The exhibition showed collective expositions of FSS of Russia, Federal Agency for Information Technologies, and Roskosmos (Federal Space Agency). About 70% of the exhibitors were the manufacturers and distributors of famous brands, about 10% were the state enterprises.

For the third year in a row the "Security and Safety Technologies forum is run in the framework of global network of security and safety exhibitions of the Reed Exhibitions company, which is the world leader in exhibiting events organization. Over 2,700 employees work in 35 offices, covering 44 industries around the world. Reed Exhibitions is an integral part of Reed Elsevier Group - the leading publishing house and supplier of information services, which stocks are quoted on the stock exchange markets of London, Amsterdam and New York. The sales volume of Reed Elsevier made up 5,334 million euro in 2008. In Russia, the company organizes such events as InterCHARM, INTERCHARM professional, "Security and Safety Technologies forum, PAP-FOR, Intertool, AQUA-THERM (together with ITE Moscow), Infosecurity (together with OOO "Grotek"), Russian Technical Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference (together with SPE). Thanks to it the event has expanded international participation and presented in 2010 the security and safety achievements by the companies from Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, Sweden, Turkey, France, Japan. Participants from Korea, China and Taiwan were presented within national pavilions. About 20% of the exhibitors are direct international participants. In this respect, the exhibition was supported by the largest security and safety associations including the American Security Industry Association (SIA), Taiwan External Trade Development Council (Taitra), Administration of Small-, and Middle-Scale Business of the Republic of Korea. In the forum framework, the companies from 15 countries presented new products and solutions to the developing companies, distributors, installers, integrators, engineering companies, end consumers (banks, trade and entertaining enterprises, building and transport organizations), law enforcement and governmental bodies.

The "Security and Safety Technologies forum is traditionally held with the strong government and professional support. It is included in the plans of exhibition and congress events of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Minkomsvyaz' of Russia, Ministry of the Interior Affairs of Russia, FSS of Russia, Roskosmos, Federal Agency for Information Technologies, Government of Moscow. In the recent years, the State Duma Committee on Security and Safety takes an active part in preparation and work of the forum. An active participation of the governmental officials also confirms the interest of the state in the forum work organization.

During the first three days of the forum one could see the whole range of security and safety systems, offered to the governmental officials, business representatives and end users. A live interest was generated by the scientific and practical IX International Conference Terrorism and transport security, round table Application of satellite navigating system GLONASS with a view to ensuring transport safety and other events. For the Day of Information Security several activities on vital topics were of great success: round table Traditional annual meeting of the Head of Federal Space Agencies with IT-directors, Conferences Personal data protection and Usage of biometric security technologies in different objects, workshop Competitive intelligence in Internet.

A successful start at the "Security and Safety Technologies" forum was taken by the open test of systems for recognition of automobile number plates by ProSystem company with a panel discussion of test results. In the course of bid-test the best systems for reading and recognition of the automobile plate numbers common on the Russian market were presented. On February 4, the winners of competition "Best Innovative Security and Safety - 2010 Solutions" found their medals.

Considering the difficulties which all the market participants met in 2009 and with a view of obtaining the maximal feedback from participation in the event we invested unprecedented resources in promotion of the exhibition. Modern marketing tools have been used: customer tailored approach to regional visitors, updated web-site; intensive advertising in federal and regional printed mass-media and Internet-portals; Internet-registration is open till the last date of the exhibition. The permanent participants of exhibition have noticed this year that as early as one hour after opening of the event the aisles of exhibition hall were literally packed full with people. As a result, by the end of the first day the show and business events have been visited by 20% more of professional visitors than during a similar period in 2009. For the first time, the "Security and Safety Technologies" forum was given coverage in the Internet in full-fledged format. DSSL сompany together with Reed Exhibitions initiated online broadcasting of the event, videoregistration of workshops and conferences, videoreporting from stands of the participants and interview of the market personalities on the company's site and the Forum's official site.

The decisions made by exhibitors testify to the success of the event: over 30 % of SST Moscow 2010 participants have already expressed their wish to take part in 2011 event and are filing applications at this stage to make use of most favorable conditions of early booking!


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