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Press Release

RAO / CIS Offshore - 2005

13 September 2005 at the Mariinsky Palace, St-Petersburg, took place the 7th RAO / CIS Offshore 2005 International conference and exhibition on Russian Arctic and CIS continental shelf oil and gas resources development.

Russian Federation President's Plenipotentiary representative in the North-West district, Ilya Khlebanov, St-Petersburg Governor, Valentina Matvienko, St-Petersburg Legislative Chamber Chairman, Vadim Tylpanov, Natural resources and Environmental protection Council Federation Committee Chairman, Viktor Orlov, State Duma Chairman's representative, Artur Chilingarov, Academician of the Russian Science Academy, Alexey Contorovitch, have delivered a welcome speech to the participants of the conference.

Russian Federation Natural resources Minister, Yrii Trutnev, Norwegian Ministry of Oil and Energy, Oil production Department General Director, Ole Anders Lindset, "Gasprom" PLC Oil, gas and gas condensate production Department vice-director, Boris Nikitin, Arctic Monitoring and valuation Program executive secretary, Lars-Otto Reiersen, Norwegian gas and oil companies Association regional director, Hokan Skretting, "Norsk Hydro ACA" company senior vice-president, Bengt Lee Hansen, "Total Research and Development CA" company Christoff de-Marjerie, "Statoil" company senior vice-president, Henrik Carkssen, "Exon Mobil Inc." Company president, Roger Hyam, "Shell" company executive vice-president, Mattias Bichsel, "Siboil" PLC chief engineer, Iskander Diyashev, Oil and Gas geology Institute Director, Academician of the Russian Science Academy, Alexey Kontorovitch, have presented their reports at the plenary meeting.

A number of important business meetings took place during the RAO / CIS Offshore 2005 exhibition. Among them:
The meeting of Natural resources Minister, Yrii Trutnev with Norwegian Ministry of Oil and Energy, Oil production Department General Director, Ole Anders Lindset, with Canada's Northern Affairs State secretary, Ethel Blonden-Andrew, with the "Shell" company delegation run by the executive vice-president, Mattias Bichsel
Russian Federation President's Plenipotentiary representative in the North-West district, Ilya Khlebanov had a meeting with the "Total" French Oil company president, Christoff de-Marjerie

The opening of the exhibition took place at the Mikhaylovsky Manezh, on the 13th September. Such high-ranking people as Natural resources Minister, Yrii Trutnev, Vice-chairman of the Economical development, industrial policy and trade Committee, Yrii Rakov, "Gasprom" PLC Oil, gas and gas condensate production Department vice-director, Boris Nikitin, president of the "Hydro" company in Russia, Petter Nore, "Statoil" company vice-president, Christopher Maro, took part in the ceremony.

Negotiations between Russia's state officials and the leading shelf and Arctic development companies:

  • "Gasprom" PLC
  • "Rosneft" PLC
  • "Lukoil" PLC
  • "Hydro"
  • "Statoil"
  • "Kellogg Bryan and Ruth"
  • "Sevmorneftegas" Ltd
  • Federal State Unitary Organization "Production Enterprise Sevmash"
  • "Chernomorneftegas" PLC - also took place during the exhibition

The world famous companies in the field of sea gas and oil production, 883 registered delegates from 18 countries have participated in plenary meeting and round tables during the RAO / CIS Offshore 2005 exhibition. Among them: chairmen of ministries and departments, representatives of regional administrations, organs of state control, oil and gas companies, industrial institutions, investment funds, project and science and research institutes, educational establishments.

Oil and gas deposits development projects were presented at the conference and exhibition for the Barents, Caspiy, Baltic and Black seas, as well as for the Priyamalskiy shelf and Obskaya and Tazovskaya bays.

Special round table was dedicated to the prospective developments of young scientists and students.

RAO / CIS Offshore conferences and exhibitions are the meeting point for the state authorities, leading local and foreign companies, where the most highly topical problems are discussed and new developments are presented.

Such a significant event contributes a lot in the development of the constructive dialogue between the state, oil and gas industry leaders and the leading experts. The exhibition also helps to make the first steps in realizing the Russian shelf development Program considering environmental protection and near-Arctic countries cooperation.


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