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Ski Salon - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition-Fair of Tourist Trips, Sport Goods and Services

Date: 15.10.2011 - 16.10.2011 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: "Alpine Club"

Topic: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"Ski Salon - 2011" exhibition news, 26-May-2011

Announce: "Alpine club" invites fans of winter tourism and recreation, mountain skis and snowboards to the exhibition-sale "Ski Salon - 2011" which will be held from 15th to 16th of October in St. Petersburg.

"Alpine club" invites fans of winter tourism and recreation, mountain skis and snowboards to the exhibition-sale "Ski Salon - 2011" which will be held from 15th to 16th of October in advance of winter season.

Special offers and surprises are expected:

  • Mounting skiing and winter clothes, sport glasses, masks, equipment from producers by retail at the prise of wholesale
  • Direct contacts with hotels and apartments of ski resort Meribel (France), representatives of Sweden ski resort Ore
  • Winter holidays tours and special offers from tour operators, "Alpine club" award winners in nomination "Golden Skier"
  • Competition "Active tourist" and prize drawings from exhibitors
  • Entertainment program, discounts, presentations and many others at "Ski Salon - 2011" in restaurant "Moskva"

The exhibition is held with the support of: International congress of mounting skiing industry.

Primary media sponsor: magazine "SportTovary".

Primary radio sponsor: Echo of Moscow in St. Petersburg.

Media sponsors: "SportMagazin", Leisure from A to Z", "Telegramma Travel", "TeleGuide", "Telezritel", "Televik", "Vash Dosug", "Dve stolitsy", "Finland Trade route", "Sports Daily", "Otdykh Elit", "Country rest", "Telinfo", "Tournavigator", "Mounting skis SKI", "Mounting skiing industry of Russia", TTG-Russia, guide-books Welcome, "Tourbusiness at North-West", "Autovitrina", "Best choice", "Neva Health Pages", "Moi rayon", "Autopodium", "Voyage".


Additional information:
