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Remote Controlled Jets and Helicopters Airshow - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

All-Russian Forum

Date: 16.06.2012 - 17.06.2012 

City: Rostov-on-Don - information about city

Holder: FVC "Business Art"

Topics: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"Remote Controlled Jets and Helicopters Airshow - 2012" exhibition news, 11-May-2012

Announce: All-Russian forum "Remote control jets and helicopters airshow - 2012" will be held from 16th to 17th of June in Rostov-on-Don in the territory of Flying club "Dostupnoye nebo".

In Rostov-on-Don in the territory of Flying club "Dostupnoye nebo" the all-Russian forum "Remote Controlled Jets and Helicopters Airshow - 2012" will be held from 16th to 17th of June.

The flying club is an organizer of numerous events of aviation industry. Over a period of 3 years (from 2009) "Dostupnoye nebo" holds the Remote control jets and helicopters airshow. The show call together participants from across Russia. The event includes demonstration flights and master classes with remote control jets and helicopters, and an exhibition of radio-controlled aircraft models.

In 2009 the Flying club held the "Remote control jets and helicopters airshow" for the first time in Russia. Genuine interest of the public to the the airshow of various models of remote control airplanes and helicopters, held in 2009, inspired the club administration to follow up the success and to organize again in June of 2010 an airshow of remote control airplanes but now with a focus on jet airplanes. Even organizers were surprise with attendance of the Airshow 2010-15000 people. There were a several kilometers long chain of cars of those who wanted to become viewers of this super show.

Masters of sport from Moscow, cities of the south of Russia (current champions and winners of championships of Russia, Europe and the World) and Rostov-on-Don took part in the program of the Airshow of remote control jets models last year. The show viewers saw more than 70 models of remote control airplanes.


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