Parking Russia - 2025
Parking Russia - 2025

Press Release

ISK-SODEX - 2010

883 exhibitors and 80756 visitors have attended ISK-SODEX Istanbul 2010 Exhibition.

International Meeting Point of HVAC&R and the largest industrial exhibition in Turkey "ISK-SODEX - 2010" was held with a great success.

The exhibition was held under the theme "Production, Employment, Export " and hosted 662 national, 221 international direct exhibitors and over 80000 visitors.

Hannover-Messe Sodeks Fuarcilik Chairman of the Board and General Manager Murat Demirtas indicated that the exhibition is growing each year through the support of all industrial associations.

Organized biannually by Hannover-Messe Sodeks Fuarcilik "ISK-SODEX - 2010" Exhibition was held between the dates May 5-8. The exhibition that was held in Istanbul Expo Center - CNR Expo has attracted a lot of companies not only from Turkey but also foreign ones.

During four days the exhibition has become the international meeting point of HVAC&R industry and hosted 662 national and 221 international in total 883 exhibitors. Together with it's 52143 sqm stand area which attracted 80756 visitors "ISK-SODEX" has reinforced it's position as being the largest industrial trade exhibition in Turkey.

In the opening ceremony of the exhibition Industry and Trade Ministry Undersecretary Ali Boga and Turkish Exporters Assembly President Mehmet Buyukeksi has attended and made speeches.

Hannover-Messe Sodeks Fuarcilik Chairman of the Board and General Manager Murat Demirtas, has stated after the exhibition that they have the honour of organizing the 3rd largest exhibition of HVAC&R in the world and that "ISK-SODEX" will continue to be the driving force of te industry in Turkey. The exhibition that was held through the support of all the associations of the industry has added to the production power, employment rate and export rate. Mr. Demirtas has added:

"From now on Turkey is on the road to become the production base and the exhibition has become the driving force of Turkish industry. The industry which had 10 billion USD volume and 2,5 billion USD export rate, has a target to reach 25 billion USD volume and 10 billion USD export rate in the 100th anniversary of Turkish Republic. We have the power to reach this target."

The exhibition was held through the supports of ISKAV Heating, Cooling, Air-Conditioning Research and Education Foundation, DOSIDER Natural Gas Equipment Manufacturers and Businessmen Associations, ISKID Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Manufacturers Associations, IZODER Association of thermal insulation, waterproofing, sound insulation and fireproofing material producers, suppliers and applicators, and TTMD Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers, Air Conditining Assembly of TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) and IMSAD Association of Turkish Building Material Producers.

Turkish Airlines was the "Official Carrier" and the exhibition was supported by DTM Undersecreteriat of the Prime Ministry for Foreign Trade, KOSGEB Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization and OAIB Central Anatolian Exporter Unions.

Especially for the Turkish companies that want to export Mr. Demirtas has indicated that it is very important to attend international exhibitions and has repeated his call:

"We are trying to help our industry companies to participate international exhibitions. Preperations to attend Erbil, Kiev, Moscow, Damascous and Sao Paulo exhibitions as Turkish HVAC&R industry are about to finish. The companies that do want to exhibit can apply".


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