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International Exhibition for Sports Industry

Date: 26.03.2013 - 28.03.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Ministry for Sport of the Russian Federation

Topic: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"Sport'13" exhibition news, 28-Sep-2012

Announce: From 26th to 28th of March in the territory of All-Russian exhibition center the International exhibition of sports industry "Sport - 2013" will be held.

From 26th to 28th of March in the territory of All-Russian exhibition center the International exhibition of sports industry "Sport - 2013" will be held.

"Sports" International Exhibition is the largest sports industry exhibition event that promotes healthy lifestyle with the population of Russia. "Sports" Exhibition enhances cooperation among Russian and foreign sports industry enterprises, sports federations, clubs, sports committees and sports schools. The event has been gaining prominence within the sports industry and popular sports of our country.

Traditionally, the Ministry for Sports acts is the organizer of the Exhibition.

In 2013, "Sports" International Exhibition will provide an opportunity for comprehensive review of progressive solutions and latest developments in design, construction and fitting out of sports facilities, acquaintance with manufacturers and vendors of sports equipment and accessories, fitness equipment and nutrition, information technologies, advanced business methodologies. The exposition consists of Russian and foreign companies, sports federations' and sports committees' stands that demonstrate sports industry potential to the consumers and representatives of the international investments community. More than 250 companies within 6 sections:

  • Sports Facilities
  • Sports Equipment and Accessories
  • Sports Medicine and Nutrition
  • Technical Equipment for Sports Facilities. Engineering
  • Fitness. Training Equipment
  • Extreme Sports" will be represented at "Sports" International Exhibition next year

"Sports" International Exhibition has proved itself as a unique professional base for discussion of the Russian sports industry development programs, a base that unites local and foreign sports goods manufacturers and service suppliers, representatives of business circles and sports-related state agencies. In 2013, the Exhibition is to present a new, expanded business program that brings together more than 3.5 thousand Russian and foreign specialists annually. Business events within the major sports dimensions are intended to stimulate national and international investment in development of sports, construction of international-standard sports facilities, sports management, medicine, sports for the disabled, professional and popular sports.

The Exhibition comprises the 2nd International Moscow Forum on "Modern Methodologies for Sportsmen Medical Training, Rehabilitation and Recovery" organized by the Federal Medicine and Biology Agency of Russia.

The received positive experience of carrying out convention fitness has had the further development. In 2013 Russian fitness clubs can take part in Fitness the Festival, held within the framework of the International exhibition Sports. Many presentations, conferences, seminars and master classes Concerning development industry fitness in Russia are planned  at Festival.

Special attention of the visitors and mass media will be given to the successful SPORTFashion Day Project, a "Spring - Summer 2013" show of new sports clothes collections of popular brands, trademarks and companies specializing in manufacturing of sports accessories, clothes and footwear. The show was first held in 2011.

Traditional partners of "Sports" International Exhibition will be:

  • OCR (Olympic Committee of Russia)
  • CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • SEA (Sports Engineering Association)
  • CHL (Continental Hockey League)
  • ASIE (Association of Sports Industry Enterprises)
  • "United Russia" National Political Party, more than 50 Moscow and regional children's sports schools
  • The RF Ministry for Regional Development
  • Russian Football Union
  • Organizing Committee of 27th Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan
  • Organizing Committee of the 2018 World Football Championship
  • "Sochi 2014" Organizing Committee are invited to participate in "Sports" International Exhibition in 2013.

Additional information:
