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SportMed - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized International Exhibition of Sport and Rest Medicine

Date: 28.09.2009 - 30.09.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "FAIR EX Inter"

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Consumer Goods, Medicine and Health Care, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"SportMed - 2009" exhibition news, 11-Aug-2009

Announce: On September 28-30, at Expocentre Fairgrounds, International Exhibitions "SportMed-2009" and "NutraSport - 2009" will be held, organized by "FAIREX" company.

On September 28-30, at Expocentre Fairgrounds, International Exhibitions "SportMed-2009" and "NutraSport - 2009" will be held, organized by "FAIREX" company.

It has become a tradition for the Russian and foreign sportsmen to visit this event.

Beginning from this year, on the grounds of the International Exhibitions "SportMed - 2009" and "NutraSport - 2009" an International Tournament on Powerlifting without equipment "Nutrasport Elite Cup - 2009" will be held. The strongest athlets of CIS will take part in the tournament: Vladimir Kravtsov, Vyacheslav Soloviev, Dmitry Kasatov, Yury Fomin, Kiril Sarychev, Valery Snegirev and others. Participation permission - starting weight no less than 230 kg.

Owing to the public opinion, "Nutrasport Elite Cup - 2009" will be the first tournament of such high level, carried out in Moscow. Beginning from September 5, the TV channel "Russian Extreme" starts to highlight the preparation and running of the tournament.

The International Exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport" are the unique events for the market of sports nutrition and sports medicine in Russia. These exhibitions bring together a large number of experts and professionals in the field of threpsology and sports medicine. The special guests of the exhibitions will be the famous specialists, who will read out reports and present scientific research works within the programme of the exhibitions.

The paralympic sportsmen welcome "SportMed" and "NutraSport".

A great support from the Paralympic Committee of Russia received International Exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport", which are going to be held on September 28-30 2009, at the Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow. The organizer of the exhibitions is "FAIREX" company.

The specialists of the Paralympic Committee of Russia display a great interest in the programme of the exhibitions. The rapid development of paralympic sports in Russia is closely connected with the highest level medical support. The president of the Paralympic Committee of Russia sent a welcoming letter to the participants of the exhibitions, where he emphasized problems inherent to the sports nutrition market in Russia: the quality of sports food and struggling against doping. These issues require constant and close attention for development of paralympic sports in Russia.

The president of the Paralympic Committee of Russia V.P.Lukin, P.A. Rozhkov and other members of the Paralympic Committee were invited to attend the ceremonial opening of the exhibitions on September 28 for greeting all participants and guests and ensuring fruitful work and professional achievements.

The German star of sports medicine attends the exhibition.

This year one of the special guests at the conferences "SportMed" and "NutraSport" will be Dr Claus Lehrberger from Germany - a practicing surgeon orthopedist. Doctor Claus has been working in three orthopedic clinics in Munich since 1989. Claus Lehrberger's main area of expertise - replacement arthroplasty, arthroscopy, sports traumatology. He has published 70 scientific articles, summaries, 130 scientific reports at the international congresses. Dr Lehrberg's clinical activity includes sports medicine, joint traumas and osteoarthritis (arthroscopy, surgery of knee ligaments, gristle injuries, general and partial knee arthroplasty, revision surgery); multistructural surgery of knee ligaments, surgery of children's knee ligaments, smallinvasive replacement arthroplasty, autologous transplanting of cartilage corpuscle (ACT), reconstruction of gristle (AMIC), osteotomy, revision surgery, arthrolysis, joint infection treatment.

Dr Claus Lehrberger is an honorable member of many international scientific societies:

  • American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
  • Committee of European Society of Sports Traumatology Surgery of Knee and Arthroscopy (ESSKA)
  • Arthroscopic Association of German Speaking Countries (AGA)
  • International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS)
  • American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS)
  • Arthroscopic Association of Northern Amarica (AANA)
  • European Group of Meniscus Transplantation (EMTG)

Dr Claus Lehrberger will visit International Exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport" and conference on sports medicine and will present international experience in this field and will be acquainted with the experience of the Russian colleagues.

The International exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport" have got support of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the RF.

In July this year, the minister of sports V.L. Mutko issued a decree № 494 of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the RF, where he made amendments in the "Plan of Carrying Out Scientific Conventions and Conferences by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism, and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation".

Owing to this amendment, the annual International Exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport" are included into the plan of official events under the auspices of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the RF.

In the nearest future the organizer of the exhibitions, "FAIREX" company, is expecting from the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the RF a letter with the words of greeting and support.

The International Exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport" are meant for structuring of the Russian sports nutrition market and sports medicine and play an important role in the development of scientific and practical sector in this sphere. The International Exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport" are the only and unique exhibition projects of such kind on the Russian market. That is why thousands of guests and visitors are brought together on their working platforms - they are representatives of governmental offices, industrial governmental and scientific organizations, leading manufacturers and marketers of goods and services, specialists in the field of sports and sports medicine both from Russia and abroad, and many other representatives of this market.

During the last 2-3 years, a considerable positive movements in this market development are observed in Russia. The annual International Exhibitions "SportMed" and "NutraSport" will contribute to the faster development and forming of stable market of sports nutrition and sports food in Russia, and the experience of the international experts will allow our country to reach the world level in this sector.


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