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SportMed - 2009

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Specialized International Exhibition of Sport and Rest Medicine

Date: 28.09.2009 - 30.09.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "FAIR EX Inter"

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Consumer Goods, Medicine and Health Care, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"SportMed - 2009" exhibition news, 25-Aug-2009

Announce: On September 28-30, at the Expocentre Fairground (Moscow), the International Exhibitions "SportMed - 2009" and "NutraSport - 2009" will be held.

On September 28-30, at the Expocentre Fairground (Moscow), the International Exhibitions "SportMed - 2009" and "NutraSport - 2009" will be held.

The Moscow Department of Physical Culture and Sports supported the 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED - 2009".

The 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED - 2009" has got the support of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Moscow. "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" is the only exhibition project on the market of sports nutrition and sports medicine in Russia. The organizer of the forum is "FAIREX" company.

The head of the Department M.S. Stepanyants noted that with every coming year "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" elarged its scope and improved its programme. The number of its participants grows and, in M.S. Stepanyants' view, the participation in the forum gives an excellent opportunity to the physical culture and sports experts to show their best achievements, to have a look at each other's work and to exchange experience, to find out more about new developments in the field of science and medicine and to raise their professional level. M.S. Stepanyants is sure that this Forum will be carried out at the highest organizational level, will be extremely interesting and useful to all guests and participants and, to a great extent, will contribute to efficient development and structuring of the sports nutrition and sports madicine market in our country.

M.S.Stepanyants will take part in the opening ceremony and in the other events of the Forum.

As part of the Forum an exposition of the Moscow Sports Committee will be presented with the participation of related departments, representatives of which will take an active part in scientific and practical conferences "Sports Nutrition and Anti Doping" and "Sports Medicine".

The 3rd International Conference "Sports Nutrition and Anti Doping".

Within the framework of the 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" the 3rd International Conference "Sports Nutrition and Anti Doping" will be held, with the participation of the Department of the Nutritional Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow State University of Food Production Technologies, Sports Food Laboratory, Academy n.a. Sechenov, Specialized Center of Sports Medicine.

The leading Russian and foreign specialists will take part in the conference, such as: Darren Roberts - nutritionist of the olympic champions and medalists (Darren Campbell, Jason Gardener, Paul Casey) and of the teams; Reading FC (football team of the premier league), Red Bull United Kingdom, European Tour (golf). An american specialist Adama Marie Sesay - the senior research assistant of the Laboratory of Biotechnology, University of Oulu, will also take part in the conference work. Representatives of sports nutrition from England are expected: nutritionists Peter Slijkhuis and James Collins - a dietarian of the English Institute of Sports (EIS), working with Olympic athlets of the Team of Great Britain.

The conference will touch one of the most urgent problems - the qualitative sports nutrition. A special concern cause the problem of Russia's "leading" position on disqualification of sportsmen because of doping, which is resulting because of the absence of information on the Russian sports nutrition market. The doping problem touched not only professional and amateur sports but also children's and youth's sports.

The specialists of the national and foreign markets of sports nutrition will try to study out this situation in the world of sports and will also try to find solutions to the existing problems.

Mr Johan Delf Witt at the 3rd International Conference "Sports Medicine".

Within the framework of the Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED - 2009" the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sports Medicine will be held. The organizer of the forum and conference is "FAIREX" company.

The conference "Sports Medicine" receives Russian and foreign stars of sports medicine every year. This year, Johan Delf Witt from the Middlesex Hospital и University College London Hospitals NHS Trust will present his scientific works. Mr Johan Delf Witt is a consultant and honorable senior lecturer on surgery in traumatology and orthopaedy. He is one of the four surgeon-orthopedist, specializing on orthopedic oncology in London.

Mr Johan Delf Witt together with his colleagues from Germany and Russia will discuss the existing problems and flaws of the sports nutrition market in the world, will answer to many important questions and will share their precious professional experience in this field.

Besides the reading out their scientific works, the German and Russian specialists are planning to carry out master-classes on the conference, where they will demonstrate their knowledge and experience while examining Russian sportsmen.

It goes without saying that such events will bring positive results for the development of the sports medicine in Russia and in the world on the whole.

The participants of the 3rd International Exhibition "SportMed - 2009".

The organizer of the forum is "FAIREX" company. The forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" is the only and unique project on the market of sports nutrition and sports medicine in Russia.

From year to year the leading companies on the Russian market of medicine and sports participate as exhibitors at the exhibition "SportMed". This year, several regular exhibitors has already confirmed their participation as well as some new companies expressed their desire to exhibit their products.

The company "EKF-Diagnostics" - the regular participant at the Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" - is an exclusive representative of the company EKF - diagnostic sales GmbH (Germany), the manufacturer of the medical equipment - automated analysers of glucose and lactate (Biosen), hemoglobulin and haematokrit (HemoControl), lactate (LactateScout) and expendable materials. The company has been operating on the market since 2004. Last year, while participating at the exhibition "SportMed", the company presented for the first time a newly-designed product - a professional veloergometer "Cyclus2", produced by the company RMB electronik-automation (Germany). This year the company "EKF-Diagnostics" will also surely demonstrate new developments in the field of medical equipment.

One more no less famous on the Russian market exhibiting company is "NIKAMED" - the leader of wholesale supplies of compressive hosiery, high quality orthopedic articles and medical goods on the Russian market. The company customers are orthopedic salons, drug-stores and drug-store chains in more than 100 cities of Russia and CIS.

The Forum mission is the development and structuring of the markets of sports nutrition and sports medicine in Russia. "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" unites all players of these markets on one platform. Besides representatives of the Russian market, the exhibition receives annually a large number of specialists and experts of the foreign markets in this field. New business relations and experience exchange will help Russia to achieve the world standards in the field of sports nutrition and sports medicine.


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