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Store Management - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

International Practical Conference

Date: 11.09.2019 - 13.09.2019 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: PH "Image Media"

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety

"Store Management - 2019" exhibition news, 21-Aug-2019

Announce: "Changing of shopping scenarios for an offline retail store. New generation Loyalty System" that is what Kirill Kazantsev will talk about during practical conference "Store Management - 2019", which will take place in Moscow from 11 to 13 September.

"Changing of shopping scenarios for an offline retail store. New generation Loyalty System" that is what the founder and chief operating officer of i-Retail, i-Bonus and LeadFactory Kirill Kazantsev will talk about in his master class during all-Russian practical conference "Store Management - 2019", which will take place in Moscow from 11 to 13 September.

About the speaker - Kirill Kazantsev:
- the founder and chief operating officer of i-Retail, i-Bonus, LeadFactory.
- 20 years experience of entrepreneurship, more than 15 companies have been founded.
- In 2017, together with his wife, he has founded the Kazantsev business school.
- 2018 - formed the LidZavod project, which is a partner of the Moscow Government and Synergy University on training programs for small and medium-sized businesses.
- 2019 - launching of the innovative marketing platform i-Bonus.

What is the master class about:
- How consumer scenarios are changing and what trends exists. What and how people buying online and offline. What groups customers are divided into and how to adjust sales tools to target customers.
- What needs to be done in the first place to increase revenue. What simple and useful tools are available, and also some interesting tips.
- How to sell to millennials and who are millennials. What percentage of sales falls on millennials and what exactly stimulates them to make purchases.
- How to arrange the selling point to attract the younger generation.
- Doing cross-selling at ease and "on autopilot".
- How to return an indecisive customer.
- Buying "effortlessly" - the ability to stand out from other retail selling point.
- Loyalty System of Next Generation 5G.

Every year the conference "Store Management" brings together owners and directors of small and medium-sized shops and retail networks from all over Russia and CIS countries. 3 days. Master classes from the leading experts in the field of retail trading management, among them Timur Aslanov, Albert Tutin, Inga Orlova, Anna Bocharova, Ekaterina Kazarinova, Andrey Kulinich, Elena Zhdanova, Sergey Leonov. Analysis of recent cases. Applied materials and step-by-step methodology.

A very important part of the conference: networking session - a special event aimed at introducing all of the participants using special technique. You will not only gain new knowledge but also obtain new partners, contacts and make new friends.


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