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Heat Treatment - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

6th International Specialized Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Heat Treatment

Date: 25.09.2012 - 27.09.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo"

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"Heat Treatment - 2012" exhibition news, 30-Jul-2012

Announce: In Moscow in Central exhibition complex "Expocentre" from 25th to 27th of September the 6th International specialized exhibition of technologies and equipment for heat treatment "Heat Treatment - 2012" will be held.

From 25th to 27th of September in Moscow in Central exhibition complex "Expocentre" 6th International Specialized Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Heat Treatment "Heat Treatment - 2012" will be held. Exhibition company"Mir-Expo" performs as the exhibition organizer. Informational support is rendered by: "Metal science and metal heat treatment", "Metal working and machine-tool building", "Heat Processing magazine", "Tratamiento termico", "Liteinoye Proizvodstvo", "Metalworking", "Heavy machine building", "Welder in Russia", "New firebrick", "Induction heat", "Glass and ceramics", Publishing house "Ore and metals" and many others.

The exhibition will present modern technologies and equipment for thermomechanical, thermochemical, sizing, surface treatment of various materials, heating equipment: vacuum furnaces, arc furnaces, induction heat, electric resistance furnaces, hardening equipment, oils and medias, equipment for plasma shaping and spattering.

Exhibition sections:

  • Industrial furnaces: muffle, vacuum, melting, shaft, electric furnaces
  • Induction heat: high-frequency current products, induction furnace
  • Equipment for surface impregnation: nitriding, cementing
  • Hardening equipment, oils and medias
  • Laboratory furnaces, drying ovens
  • Gear for heat-treatment machinery
  • Sizing and surface treatment: shaping, sputtering
  • Automation of heat treatment, controlling systems, quality control, thermotechnical measurements
  • Energy-saving technologies for thermal processes
  • Within the exhibition the special section "Thermal insulating and refractory materials and products" will take part

To this day refractory materials and products are used more as coatings and insulation blankets for heat-treating and metallurgical furnaces: electric resistance furnaces for heat treating of products, induction smelt-mills and calefactors, electric resistance furnaces for heat of aluminum and other alloys, tube heaters of different purpose, tunnel furnaces for burn of bricks and drain tiles, conveyor furnaces for burn of enameled products, heating furnaces for burn of ceramics, faience, porcelain and sanitary wares.

In the special section manufacturing companies will present full range of molded and unmolded refractories, applied in construction and reconstruction of industrial furnaces, and for thermal insulation of facilities and industrial equipment:

  • Magnesian refractories
  • Alumina refractories
  • Zirconia refractories
  • Siliceous refractories
  • Alumina-graphite refractories
  • Oxide refractories
  • Alumina-silicate refractories
  • Silicon carbide refractories
  • Non-oxygen refractories

Additional information:
