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Press Release

TransRail Ukraine - 2012

From October 23 to October 25, according to the Plan of measures of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation for the II half-year - 2012 in Odessa at Maritime Terminal was held the International Black Sea transport forum - 2012 which includes the 14th International exhibition on transport and logistics "TransUkraine - 2012", the 10th International exhibition - symposium on navigation, shipbuilding and development of ports "Odessa - 2012", the International Specialized Exhibition "TransRail Ukraine - 2012", a Specialized exhibition "Commercial and municipal transport - 2012" and the International conference on transport and logistics. The organizer of these events was the company "Mediakompas Ukraine".

The forum passed under patronage of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine. These actions are also supported: European Union representation in Ukraine, the Danube commission, the Ministry of transport and communications of Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Economics and a sustainable development of Georgia, the Ministry of transport and road infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova, the Odessa regional public administration, the Odessa city council, Association of ports of the Black and Azov seas (BASPA), the International association of shipowners of the Black Sea pool (BINSA), the Black Sea regional association of shipbuilders and shiprepairers (BRASS), Association of shipbuilders of Ukraine "Ukrsudprom", Association of the Ukrainian ports "Ukrports", the European union of transport workers of Ukraine.

It is known that the economic locomotive of the state is freight transportation is one of the reasons on which in 2012 at the International Black Sea transport forum the great attention was given to freight transportation. In the welcoming word to guests and participants of the Forum the First deputy minister of infrastructure of Ukraine K.Efimenko noted: "our country possesses powerful transport infrastructure, and one of priority tasks of its development and use - expansion of transit potential. The forum not only gives the chance to transport workers to solve the whole series of own tasks, to reach the put business purposes, to receive positive experience in providing transport services, but also opens before our state perspectives of transport cooperation with the leading foreign companies, promotes acquaintance with possibilities of the most up-to-date transport equipment, logistic technologies and systems for which the domestic and foreign enterprises" are famous.

Carrying out transport exhibitions in Odessa isn't casual. Since the moment of the basis of the city the economy and the social sphere of Odessa were directly connected with work of port and development of transport communications. As the Mayor of Odessa A.Kostusev noted: "The Black Sea transport forum proved long ago as constructive and substantial action for dialogue of representatives of leading companies on topical issues of development of the transport sphere. It became a status platform not only for an exposition of possibilities of participants, but first of all for discussion of key problems, tendencies of development of branch and innovative decisions. And, of course, the forum plays great value in integration of Ukraine into the global market of transport services and promotes development of the international cooperation on transport".

This year more than 130 companies took part in exhibitions of the Forum from 12 countries of the world, among participants of an exhibition the Ministry of transport and communications of Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian railway, JSC "Trading House KOMTEK" (representatives of CUMMINS), JSC "Elektromekhanika" (Russia), JSC "MTZ Transmash" (Russia), JSC "Shottel" (Germany), Eliche Radice (Italy), JSC "Ñompany with foreign investments "Zeppelin-Ukraine", JSC "Kharkov rope plant" (Ukraine), JSC "UMS Marin" (Ukraine), JSC "Tritment" (Russia), JSC "Trans-Service-KTT", GEA Westphalia the Separator Group Gmbh (Germany), GU "Gosgidrografy" (Ukraine), CMP Chugoku Marine Paints (Great Britain), Volvo Penta (Ukraine), JSC "TINES" (Poland), JSC "Volzhsky diesel imeni Maminykh" (Russia) and many other.

The Turkish sea branch was presented by 18 companies (SoyTeknik Endüstriyel Malzemeleri San.Tic. A. S., Alis Aluminyum Is Dog. San. Tic. Ltd. Sti., Altanlar Safety Marine and Shipchandling Service Trade Co.Ltd., Balden DenIzcIlIk San ve TIc.Ltd.Sti, Cantas Denizcilik Yangin Guv.Sis.San.Tic.Ltd. S ti, Delmar Safety, Delta Gemi Donatim ltd. Sti., Ensar Gemy ve Yan San. Ltd Sti, Guven Grab, Inebolu TersanecIlIk, Istanbul Ship Supply, Ozkan Demir Celik Sanayi A.S., Palamar Rope, Tuna Gemi, Yapas Chain, Yigit Marina, Yilmaz Denizcilik Nak. ve Gemi San. Tic.Ltd.Sti., Elta Ship) which presented new projects in shipbuilding, the services in ship supply and in a cargo transportation on sea transport, and also novelties of the saving equipment for vessels.

Special attention of visitors used the Marine System and Technology stand on which the companies JSC DMT Ukraina, AEGIR-Marine B.V, EagleBurgmann Germany GmbH & Co. KG, J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau GmbH, MACOR Marine GmbH, Zollner Signal GmbH were presented.

According to participants of the Forum in 2012 the exhibition was visited by record number of visitors from 2008. This result was promoted by the saturated business program of the Forum.

Within the Forum passed the 15th International conference on transport and logistics "Transit potential of Ukraine. Effective infrastructure and logistics on transport in the countries of Southeast Europe", the international conference "Sea and river navigation. Questions of economic interaction, functioning and development".

With assistance of the government of the Netherlands the Ukrainian-Dutch trading mission "Sea and river navigation" in which work took part 15 companies which are looking for partners in Ukraine took place. Company ÀSKON KR held the seminar "Technologies ASKON for the solution of problems of design and technological preparation of production and industrial - civil construction".

Representatives of the European Union in Ukraine carried out the Round table "Transport strategy of Ukraine till - 2020" on which EU programs in Ukraine in the transport sphere were shined. Within an exhibition "TransUkraine - 2012" exit meeting of committee on mechanization, technology and informatics (KMTI) of Association of the ports of Ukraine "UKRPORT" took place in which representatives of the Ukrainian ports took part and questions of training of specialists in the field of the port reloading equipment, prospect of development of a domestic kranostroyeniye, a tendency in installation of the port reloading equipment were discussed.

Within the International Black Sea transport forum and conference passed the Round table "The law on seaports as an event of year in port branch" as which organizer the ANK Law firm (the general legal partner of conference) acted.

The international Black Sea transport forum took place in association with an exhibition and the conference "The 1st Black Sea Ports & Shipping", which organizers were Transport Event Management LTD (Malaysia). Within the Forum the awards ceremony of winners of the National transport rating "PERSON of YEAR ON TRANSPORT" took place. Tens companies took part in the nomination, work of the transport and marine sector for 2011 and the first half of 2012 was analysed. 38 experts took part in work of expert group - representatives of all branches of transport. With their help the best of the best in car building, a locomotivbuilding, mechanical engineering, freight forwarding, container transportations were chosen for nominating.

JSC in the person of Vadatursky A.A. was offered by experts in the nomination "BEST ENTERPRISE of UKRAINE" for a contribution to development of the Ukrainian navy. The company constructed at the Nikolaev plant "WadanyardsOkean" in 2011 two hall tows pushers. 37,2 meters everyone by length, width of 11,12 meters from a deposit - 2,54 m and capacity of 2560 horsepowers.

It is necessary to note that Mr. Vadatursky won also the nomination "CONSTRUCTION of HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTIONS". Efforts of the company constructed the following berthing hydraulic engineering sooruzheniya:-on the grain terminal in. New Odessa the Nikolaev area a berthing wall in length 144 meters, length of beregoukrepleniye made 155 meters; - on the grain terminal to Kremenchug Poltava region the berthing wall in length of the 245th meter, length of beregoukrepleniye made 195 meters.

For high quality of hydraulic engineering construction of waterways and hydraulic engineering constructions in the nomination "CONSTRUCTION of HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTIONS" the JSC "Moebius Construction Ukraine" company was also nominated. This company is the Ukrainian representation of the large German company "Moebius". In October, 2012 the company together with "Chernomorinvestgrup" won the tender for carrying out dredging works in the Odessa seaport within creation of the container terminal on Quarantine Mole.

For active advance of port reform, initiation of growth of volumes of a transshipment and adoption of law ¹About container transportations in Ukraine" in the nomination "PORTS" Y.Y. Vaskov - the chief of SE "Odessa sea trading port" was marked out.

Two more ports - Evpatoriysky and Mariupol were noted in this nomination. SE "Evpatoriysky sea trading port" in the person of chief I.I.Kutafin received an award for a contribution to development of intermodal transportations, and also for the highest annual growth rate of goods turnover. The Evpatoriysky port in 2011 managed to increase goods turnover more than for 45 % to indicators of 2010.

JSC "K LINE" (UKRAINE) in the person of A.V.Nefedov received an award for professionalism in the nomination "CONTAINER TRANSPORTATIONS". Creation "Ê LINE" (Ukraine), which own office Japanese shipping company "K LINE" ("Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha of Ltd.") in Ukraine, was logical extension of the principal activity in the Black Sea. Along with development of container service of the company, and also in connection with emergence and sharp growth of freght traffic of cars linear service by vessels-avtomobilevozami in Ilyichevsk port was worked and open.

Pavluchenko S. N. - the Head of the supervisory board of JSC "Teplovozoremontny zavod" Poltava received an award in the nomination "LOÑOMOTBUILDING" for assistance to development technical principles of updating of a locomotive rolling stock, a powerful contribution to creation and practical realization on JSC "Teplovozoremontny zavod" Poltava capacities of projects of deep modernization of locomotives for the railways of space 1520.

In the nomination "CAR BUILDING" for a special contribution to construction of gondola cars and for increase in release of a cargo rolling stock SE "Stryysky wagon repair plant" in the person of director A.D.Alekseenko was awarded. For considerable amount of works on modernization and electrification of sites of ways N.I. Lukhanin - the chief of SE "Odessa railway" was awarded.

And in the nomination "TRANSPORT mass media" V.A. Sychev - the editor-in-chief of publishing house "Podvizhnoy sostav" for a special contribution to development of railway branch of Ukraine, connected with lighting in the press of new tendencies in lokomotivo-and car building was marked out.

JSC "KOMTEK" Trading House" in the person of director Y.A. Didok was nominated in the nomination "MECHANICAL ENGINEERING" for active advance of new equipment domestic and global manufacturers. This year more than 2000 Cummins engines were sold, the gas-piston Cummins engine first in Ukraine is placed in operation. Is preparing to launch a gas - piston engines on the gas pipeline Russia-Ukraine.

For a powerful contribution to development of branch of shipbuilding and ship repair, and also training for branch S. S. Ryzhkov - the rector of National university of shipbuilding of. Admiral Makarov was noted at once in two nominations - "TRANSPORT SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN UKRAINE" and "SHIPBUILDING AND SHIP REPAIR".

Two more educational institutions of Ukraine received an award in the nomination "TRANSPORT SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN UKRAINE" - the Odessa national maritime academy in person of it's rector Miyusov M. V. and Maritime institute of Ukraine in the person of V.G. Torsky.

By results of an exhibition:

  • 85 % of participants either concluded, or are in a stage of the conclusion of new contracts as a result of direct participation in an exhibition on transport and logistics
  • 92 % of respondents as a whole characterized an exhibition as "very successful" or "successful", providing enough of business contacts
  • 95 % of participants of an exhibition estimated organization level as "very good" or "good"
  • 80 % of exhibitors already made an application on participation or with confidence declare participation in exhibitions "TransUkraine - 2013" and "Odessa - 2014"

Following the results of last exhibition practically all exhibitors declared that they hardly can call a different way to declare themselves in the Ukrainian market of transport transportations, to exchange experience with partners and to establish new business relations.


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