CleanExpo Урал -2025
CleanExpo Урал -2025

Forum "Industry Forum-Exhibition "URAL INDUSTRIAL: MACHINE TOOLS. METALWORKING. Forming Machine Tool Cluster in the Chelyabinsk Region"

City: Chelyabinsk - information about city
Holders: Congress-Exhibition Center "Ural" LLC., Chelyabinsk Region Government
Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety. Information Technologies and Communications. Industrial Exhibitions.

Industry Forum-Exhibition. Equipment: metal-cutting, forging, foundry, welding, surface treatment and coating; Metal-cutting tools; Control, measurement, diagnostics of equipment and tools; Completing units and products; Information technology; Repair, modernization, spare parts, services; Modern materials for metal-working; Investment and innovation projects; Training, vocational education.

The past forums:

Industry Forum-Exhibition "URAL INDUSTRIAL: MACHINE TOOLS. METALWORKING. Forming Machine Tool Cluster in the Chelyabinsk Region" - 2016

Industry Forum-Exhibition

Date: 23.11.2016 - 25.11.2016

See also: description
