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Forum "UralStroyIndustry" - 2011

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21th International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 20.09.2011 - 23.09.2011 

City: Ufa - information about city

Holder: Bashkir Exhibition Company

Topics: Building and real estate, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Municipal Management

"Forum "UralStroyIndustry" - 2011" exhibition news, 11-May-2011

Announce: The best samples of products, technologies and equipment of construction industry enterprises will be presented in Ufa from 20th to 23rd of September at International specialized exhibition "Forum "UralStroyIndustry" - 2011".

Forum "UralStroyIndustry" - is one of the largest exhibitions which rightly become the main construction business forum in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The present day the Republic of Bashkortostan is carrying out numerous projects on development of urban infrastructure and construction and it takes massive flow-in of the latest equipment, innovative technologies, high-grade materials. For that matter the government developed Republic-wide target program "Housing construction development stimulation in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2011-2015". It is planning that in five years more than 3 millions sq. m of housing space will be delivered in the republic. The program "Energy-efficient house" is realizing at full speed. Introduction of new energy efficient technologies in housing and public utilities system, low-height construction, introduction of instrument gages are priority orientations for Bashkortostan today.

Traditionally holding of the exhibition is supported by construction and architecture national committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan and branch associations and unions.

170 enterprises from 15 regions of Russia: Moscow, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk, Kaluga, Udmurtia, the Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan took part in the exhibition in 2010. Among permanent exhibitors are such large Russian enterprises as: "Eurocement group" (Moscow), Instrument-making plant (Tryokhgorny), Electroshield-SI (Samara), "Cheboksary piping plant" (Novocheboksarsk) and many others. Percentage of enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan was 60 % of total number of the exhibitors and 40 % from other regions of Russia. On the basis of the results of statistic questionnaire of the exhibitors - 82 % of them stayed satisfied with results of the exhibition and have plans to take part in the exhibition this year.

At the place of the "Forum "UralStroyIndustry" - 2011" the 2nd specialized exhibition "Energy efficiency in construction" will take place, which will be held as a part of realization of complex program of the Republic of Bashkortostan "Energy saving and raising of energy efficiency for 2010-2014". The exhibition will demonstrate the latest materials, technologies and equipment, assemble specialists from various sectors at research and practice conference.

Diversified business program for specialists and visitors has conduced to success of the exhibitions holding for many years. Conference events focused on construction market current problems solution, enterprises' presentations, master classes will be held.

Traditionally under the "Forum "UralStroyIndustry", the competition for the best specimen samples, technologies, equipment will take place, which annually inspires enterprises of the construction sector to new performances. Also there will be the final of the 3rd branch beauty contest "Miss Construction of Bashkortostan - 2011" which have already earn interest in the professional environment.

For the first time holding of "Fair of working positions vacancies in construction industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan" is in plans, where every employer can settle his personnel affairs.

For 4 days the exhibition "Forum "UralStroyIndustry" - 2011" will be a business platform for effective commercial negotiations, constructive confrontation, sharing of experience and conclusion of contracts. According the statistics of 2010 more than 8000 people. The exhibition is the most visited specialized event in the republic due to qualitative composition of exhibitors and expertly developed advertising campaign.


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