Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Expo Control / VIT Expo - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

3rd Specialized Exhibition of Instruments and Devices for Control, Tests and Measurings

Date: 20.04.2011 - 22.04.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: RI Events

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Industrial Exhibitions

"Expo Control / VIT Expo - 2011" exhibition news, 08-Apr-2011

Announce: Specialized exhibition "Expo Control / VIT Expo - 2011" will take part from 20th to 22nd of April in Moscow at Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre". The exhibition is held by the company "Rual Interex" Ltd (Russia).

From 20th to 22nd at Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre", in pavilion № 5 (halls 1, 2), the 3rd Specialized exhibition of instruments and devices of control, tests and measuring "Expo Control / VIT Expo - 2011" will take place.

The exhibition is held by the company "Rual Interex" Ltd (Russia) in association CJSC "Expocentre" and with the support of Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics (RSNTTD).

The show "Expo Control - 2011" is dedicated to the most important stages of any technical process of industrial production - control, measuring and tests. The fullest view of products and solutions in the field will be offered to the specialists.

Specialized exposition organized under the exhibition, with the support of Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics RSNTTD will demonstrate recent developments in the field of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics. Combined demonstration of non-destructive and destructive control technologies will provide exhibition with maximum effect and materially improve efficiency of the participation.

At the same time with the exposition "Expo Control - 2011" will work specialized exhibition of computer vision systems and technologies, industrial image processing, and noncontact measurements "VIT Expo - 2011". The exhibition is held with the assistance of European machine vision association (EMVA) and dedicated to innovative course in the world of computer technologies - machine vision, high-speed video recording and industrial image processing, and also relating technologies of noncontact measurements, 3D scanning and 3D modeling, industrial endoscopy. Conception of the exhibition will allow specialists to have the entire view of presented hi-tech products and solutions.

Wide assortment of equipment of more than 40 companies - leading producers and suppliers of measuring and control equipment and devices from Germany, PRC, Netherlands, Russia, USA, France, South Korea will be presented at the exhibition.

Leading managers and specialists from companies-exhibitors and Russian scientific managements will hold open topical workshops for all interested visitors.

B2B exhibition format gives exponents possibilities of meetings with professional visitors, establishment of new perspective business relations and expansion of present business contacts.


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