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WinExpo. WineTech. Ukraine - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

1st International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 02.11.2011 - 04.11.2011 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: Expo-South-Service

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry

"WinExpo. WineTech. Ukraine - 2011" exhibition news, 07-Jun-2011

Announce: In international exhibition center of Kiev from 2nd to 4th of November the International specialized exhibition "Winexpo. WineTech. Ukraine - 2011" will be held, it is organized by Exhibition Company "Expo-South-Service".

The international specialized exhibition "Winexpo. WineTech. Ukraine - 2011" will be held from 2nd to 4th of November in International exhibition center of Kiev (15, Brovarskoi avenue). Organizer of the exhibition is Exhibition Company "Expo-South-Service".

The exhibition is supported by:

  • Council of Europe culture and social heritage administration
  • Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine
  • Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine
  • Anti-monopoly committee of Ukraine
  • Ukraine wine growing and wine industry corporation "Ukrvinprom"
  • Association "Winegrowers and wine-makers of Ukraine"

Social organization "Regional development agency" acts as co-organizer of the exhibition.

Special guests of the exhibition will be: Madelena Grossman - director of Council of Europe culture and social heritage issues; Jean-Philippe Roby - ISVV institute deputy director (Bordeaux, France); Christophe Bersh - director of biotechnological and ecological wine laboratory, Upper Alsace University (France); Yan Shaben - doctor of economics, Agricultural University of Montpellier (France); and also known wine makers and restaurateurs of Ukraine and from abroad.

The following exhibits will be presented at the exposition "WinExpo Ukraine":

  • domestic and foreign wines
  • authors wines, wines of amateur wine-makers
  • sparkling wines
  • biowines
  • fruit wine
  • specialized exposition of cognacs
  • wine-making materials and cognac spirits
  • wine accessories (glasses, decanters and others)
  • specialized products and literature

For the purpose popularization of national wine the first day of the exhibition "Winexpo. WineTech. Ukraine - 2011" will be devoted to Ukrainian wine-making. On the program of the "Day of Ukrainian wine-making" - meetings with known domestic wine-makers, awareness-raising Ukrainian wine testings for domestic and foreign distributors, restaurateurs, public testings for final customers.

In the period of preparation to the exhibition specialized project - "Exhibition wine list" will start. It is a advertising bulletin which will contain presentations of wines of companies-exhibitors. "Exhibition wine list" will be distributed in restaurants of Kiev, Odessa, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Donetsk, in wine shop chains, distribution companies one month before the exhibition beginning and on the dates of the exhibition for guests and visitors.

The exposition "WinеTech Ukraine" will present:

  • wine growing (nursery gardens, growing technologies, mechanical and protection means)
  • equipment for industrial and home wine-making
  • laboratory equipment and ingredients for wine-making
  • materials for bottles decorating and packing
  • label, packing, tare, accessories
  • transport, logistics
  • equipment for wine storage
  • equipment for specialized wine shops
  • specialized publications and literature

Under the business program "Winexpo. WineTech. Ukraine - 2011" the following events will take place:

  • International professional wine-testing competition "Ukrainian Wine & Spirit Awards"
  • 7th International conference on practical marketing "Marketing strategies of alcoholic products promotion"
  • International forum of wine makers and enologists "Wine and ecology. Traditions, innovations"
  • Round table "Small wine-making as prospective lines of development of wine branch of Ukraine"
  • Wine tourism program (presentations, trainings)
  • Fair of wine materials
  • Specialized exposition "Wine as an art"

For a wide audience of consumers special event "Wine feast" will be held. It will be an exhibition-fair of wine-making products of domestic producers. Om the program of "Wine feast" will be wine testings, concert program, competitions, prize drawings from companies-exhibitors.

More than 40 international specialized and mass publications, national television, radio companies, leading Internet portals of the industry give advertising support to the exhibition. Advertising campaign is focused on both attracting a big number of domestic and foreign exhibitors and visit to the exhibition by considerable number of visitors.

Targeted audience of the exhibition "Winexpo. WineTech. Ukraine - 2011" and special events are representatives of government institutions, foreign companies, trade promotion offices of Embassies of counties accredited in Ukraine, producers of wine growing and wine-making industries, entrepreneurs, distributors, representatives of investment companies, managers of big trading networks, representatives of HoReCa segment , top managers of restaurants, sommeliers, advertising agencies, representatives of electronic and printed media from Ukraine and abroad.

The organizer of the exhibition - exhibition company "Expo-South-Service" work at exhibition market of Ukraine since the year 1997. During this time the company have held more than 100 specialized exhibitions of various branches of economy and humanitarian subjects; it is an organizer of an exclusive exhibition of wine-making and alcohol industry in Ukraine - exhibition "Wine and wine-making" which have already been held for 11 years.


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