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World without Borders - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

13th International Festival of Tourism and Recreation

Date: 16.04.2010 - 17.04.2010 

City: Rostov-on-Don - information about city

Holder: ROSTEX

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"World without Borders - 2010" exhibition news, 09-Sep-2009

Announce: The 13th International Festival of Tourism and Rest "World without Borders - 2010" is going to be held from 15th to 16th of April in Rostov-on-Don.

The 13th International Festival of Tourism and Rest "World without Borders - 2010" is going to be held from 15th to 16th of April in Rostov-on-Don.

The permanent organizer of the Festival is the exhibition center "ROSTEX", which proved to be one of the best organizers of the touristic projects in the South of Russia. The festival is held with the official support of the Rostov Region Administration and the Russian Union of Touristic Industry.

The expositions of the Festival will be on the area of 3,500 sqm. of specialized exhibition floor space at the KVC "VertolExpo", which allows to use all the opportunities of the up-to-date exhibition technologies to the full extent.

The Festival "World without Borders" has been held since 1998. Its expositions have expanded considerably during the time of its existence and today the project is rightfully considered to be the leading professional touristic event in the South of Russia. Every year in April, tour operators and touristic companies come to the Southern Capital, turning Rostov into the center of touristic industry. The middle of April in the Southern Federal District has become a special period for touristic industry experts. The event foretells the opening of the summer season 2010.

Festival goals:

  1. Presentation of new summer season offers and new accomodation facilities
  2. Establishing productive business contacts between the touristic market players
  3. Formation of the permanent utilization of accomodation facilities by means of improvement of interaction between the touristic market players
  4. Defining the price policy for the new touristic summer season

The festival is called to specify the most prospective trends of the touristic industry development and expand the market channels by means of direct communication of the industry experts.

"World without Borders" is a traditional annual meeting place for tour operators and travel agencies, national and regional touristic committees, hotels and hotel chains, resort hotels and rest camps, sanatoria and health improving centers, air carriers and insurance companies. The exhibition unfolds the whole range of touristic services, beginning from organization of tours to various world destinations and ending with the services of air carriers, railway ticket sale, hotel accomodation and booking, organization of conferences and seminars.

In 2009, despite the severe economical conditions, the exhibition maintained its position and attracted new partners. Over 200 touristic companies and representatives of sanatoria and resort complex from all Russia became the participants of the Festival "World without Borders - 2009". The most of the regular participants declared of their participation in the Festival "World without Borders - 2010", among them there are such "big fishes" of the touristic business as "ANEX TOUR", "CORAL TRAVEL", "PAC GROUP", "PEGAS TOURISTIK", "ALBION TOUR", "CAPITAL TOUR", NTK "Intourist", "PINK ELEPHANT", "RVB-ALEAN", RTK "Southern Capital", "YuRTA" and others (72 % of the companies have been participating in the Festival for more than 5 years).

The touristic potential of the republics, territories, and regions of Russia at the Festival "World without Borders" was presented by collective stands. In 2009 the following cities and regions of Russia organized collective stands: Sochi and Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Region, Rostov, Astrakhan, and Volgograd Regions, Ust-Donetsk and Donetsk, the Republic of Adygeya, Kalmykia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

An extensive working programme is planned at the Festival "World without Borders - 2010", which includes the main issues of the touristic industry: tourism development and the ways of overcoming the world financial crisis. As part of the programme, the exhibition center "ROSTEX" organizes presentations of tour operators and strives to create favourable conditions for efficient information exchange between the events participants.

According to the tradition, an annual project Workshop "World without Borders, Rest without Cares" - the working meeting of the touristic industry experts will be timed to the Festival "World without Borders - 2010". Workshop and Festival "World without Borders" will traditionally unite several cities of Russia on one business platform: on April 14th the project Workshop will be started in Krasnodar city, on April 15th it will be moved to Rostov-on Don, and on April 16th the Workshop participants will go to Volgograd.

Such complex programme, which unites several professional events and cities, is the most prospective for the moment. The organization of the special transfers for expert visitors of touristic industry from Astrakhan, Saratov, Volgograd, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Anapa, and Gelendzhik will contribute to the constructive work of the participants of the Workshop and Festival "World without Borders" with the experts of touristic industry of the whole south of Russia. A transfer is planned at the Festival of 2010, for the representatives of touristic business and sanatoria and resort complex of the South, among them there are over 500 directors and top specialists of the industry.

The Festival "World without Borders" is the most popular and actual touristic event of the Southern Federal District for expert visitors. Last year its expositions were visited by 3,500 representatives of the touristic business of Russia, among them were 68 % - experts of touristic industry, 38 % of experts were representatives of top management. The absence of "casual visitors" provides for work efficiency of exhibition participants. 95 % of participants and visitors mentioned the success and high level of organization of the Festival "World without Borders".

The meetings of touristic industry experts will allow the participants of the Festival "World without Borders" not only to expand the market channels and business contacts, to acquire new experience in promotion of the offered services, but also to define the most important trends of touristic industry development in the current economical conditions.

The Festival "World without Borders is a unique opportunity to present you company and new programmes, to establish partnership relations and to strengthen your positions on the market of touristic services in Russia.


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