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Health Care - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

19th International Exhibition for "Health Care, Medical Engineering and Pharmaceuticals"

Date: 07.12.2009 - 11.12.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Health Care - 2009" exhibition news, 12-Oct-2009

Announce: "Expocenter" OJSC together with the agency on exhibition consulting "ExpoEffect" invite you to visit the free seminar "Effective participation at the exhibition "Public Health Care - 2009", which is going to be held on October 20 in Moscow.

"Expocenter" OJSC together with the agency on exhibition consulting "ExpoEffect" invite you to visit the free seminar "Effective participation at the exhibition "Public Health Care - 2009", which is going to be held on October 20 in Moscow.

Venue: Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter" (Congress Center, 2nd floor, Press-Room), Moscow.

Working hours: from 10:00 till 17:00.

At the seminar you will get a comprehensive information, which is neccessary for preparation for the exhibition, you will be able to ask the representatives of "Expocenter" CJSC questions, and you will also get practical recommendations of the exhibition consulting agency "ExpoEffect" experts, which will make it possible to use resources and unique commercial potential of the exhibitions with maximum effect.

Seminar programme:


  1. Development trends of the exhibition "Public Health Care"
  2. Rules of processing documents. General questions
  3. Services of "Expocenter" CJSC:
    - opportunities for carrying out seminars and presentations
    - additional advertising opportunities, outdoor advertising
    - additional service (catering, temporary personnel, cleaning, parking passes, water and electricity supply)
    - stand equipment
  4. Answers to exhibitors' questions

The heads of departments and the staff of "Expocenter" CJSC will speak to you.


How to raise effectiveness of your participation at the exhibitions.

This section is headed by the author of a practical guide "How to Get the Maximum Benefits from the Exhibitions", general director of the exhibition consulting agency "ExpoEffect" - Nicolas Karasev. Many years' experience in the exhibition industry, professional pedagogical education and oratorical talent allows him to organize the seminar of the highest quality.

Over 3000 companies, which visited seminars of the exhibition consulting agency "ExpoEffect", apply successfully the acquired knowledge and use the exhibitions in a more efficient way. The seminar topics are selected according to the requirements and desires of the exhibitors.

  • There is no dull theory. The language of presentation is simple and clear
  • Maximum of useful and visual information
  • Real examples of successful participation in exhibitions
  • Only the best exhibition technologies, tested solutions and new ideas, which will work for you at the exhibition "Public Health Care - 2009"

You will know:

  • 11 reasons why exhibitors don't get maximum results from the exhibitions
  • What is an exhibition concept and how it could be elaborated
  • How to set participation goals correctly
  • How to count the number of your stand visitors in advance
  • How to figure on your approximate sales volume after the exhibition
  • How to develop your firm expostyle
  • How to make your stand extremely attractive to the visitors and convenient for work of the personnel
  • In which way the arrangement of stand space influence its attendance
  • How to present your goods and services at the stand correctly
  • How to choose the ideal souvenir
  • What is the most dreadful at the exhibition and how to avoid it
  • How to distribute informational materials at the exhibition
  • How to speak to your clients in "the language of profit"
  • How to count the needed number of staff members for work at the stand
  • What should know and be able to do your exhibition personnel
  • 19 "must nots" or what shouldn't be done at the stand
  • How to make your company staff members work at the exhibition better
  • How to organize properly a business event at the exhibition
  • How to estimate the effectiveness of participation at the exhibition
  • What should be done after the exhibition

What do the visitors want?

  • Why do visitors come to the exhibitions?
  • What is always attracting and mystifying the visitors?
  • What scares away the visitors?
  • What makes the brightest impressions on visitors?
  • How to work with several visitors at the same time?
  • How to limit the communication with non-target visitors?
  • How to turn your stand visitors into your clients?

You will get the answers to these and to many other important questions in the seminar section "How to raise effectiveness of your participation at the exhibitions".

You will open the secret of success at the exhibitions of the leading Russian and foreign companies, you will get to know the effective exhibition concepts and by means of real examples you will see, what technics you will be able to use at the exhibition "Public Health Care - 2009". The acquired knowledge will help you to get more profits from the exhibitions than you expected. During only one day you will know what to do to achieve the maximum results at the exhibitions.

Visit the seminar and get a package of exclusive informational materials for free. After visiting the seminar you will become the owner of the unique practical guide "How to Get the Maximum Benefits from the Exhibitions". You don't need to read dozens of books and articles, visit hundreds of exhibitions and spend years to collect and systemize many-sided exhibition experience - the author of the guide made this for you. The manual contains the best strategies and methods of the successful use of exhibition opportunities. You will be able to use the results of many year experience of exhibition business experts and receive the all most required and useful from one source. The informational brochure "About minimization of exhibition expences and related to it taxation risks" will be a real present for your accountant and will allow you to avoid odd expences and save money.

You will also get at the seminar:

  • reference book for exhibitor
  • directory of services of "Expocenter" CJSC
  • invitation tickets to the exhibition

Every seminar participant will get a registered certificate.


Additional information:
