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Public Health Care - 2011

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21st International Exhibition "Public Health Care, Medical Engineering and Pharmaceuticals"

Date: 05.12.2011 - 09.12.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Public Health Care - 2011" exhibition news, 29-Nov-2011

Announce: In Moscow from 5th to 9th of December the research and practice forum "Russian health care week" will take place. The 21st International exhibition "Public Health Care - 2011" will be the main event of the forum.

From 5th to 9th of December in "Expocentre" the research and practice forum "Russian health care week" will take place. It will unite a complex of exhibition and congress events focused on realization of national strategies and medical industry and Russian health care development programs.

The main event of "Russian health care week - 2011" is the 21th International exhibition "Health care, medical devices and pharmaceuticals" - "Public Health Care" - an unique project of "Expocentre", which has been keeping the status of the main exhibition event in the field of health care for thirty years.

The show "Public Health Care" holds all the quality certificates of the exhibition community - Logos of Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF) and Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI). The exhibition is held under the patronage of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation and Moscow Government with the support of RF Ministry of Health Care and Social Development, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, RF Public Chamber.

The exhibition "Public Health Care" promotes advanced world developments into practice of domestic medicine, showing achievements of medical science and industry, modern health care.

Last developments, know-how, advanced technologies, needed and actual for advanced health care industry will be presented by leading domestic and foreign companies. This year more than 1000 companies, organizations and enterprises from 40 countries of the world will get exhibitors. Such known firms as: Carl Zeiss AG, Fujinon, Philips, Sony, Siеmens, Toshiba, Vernipoll s. r. l., Westfalia, Stormoff, Balton and many others will be among the exhibitors.

Companies of Germany, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Czech Republic will take part in the exhibition within national exposition.

The Russian sector demonstrates growth of competitiveness of domestic medical industry - 70 % of total number of exhibitors will be composed by companies from Russia, among them: "Amico", "Rentgenprom", NIPK "Electron", "Kostromskaya medtechnika", Kasimovsky instrumental plant, "Medtekhnika", "S. P. Helpic", "Linza", Zagorsk optical and mechanical plant, Krasnogorsk Works named after S. A. Zverev and many others.

The exposition of the exhibition "Public Health Care - 2011" will be presented in pavilions № 1, 2, 8 of Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre". The following items will be offered for the attention of the specialists: innovative medical devices, equipment, innovative medicine technologies, laboratory medicine, first-aid equipment, expendable materials, medical furniture. The exhibition sections are dedicated to projecting, instrumentation for medical institutions, information technologies in medicine, mother and child health, dentistry, medical education and other topical subjects.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of RF is a state customer and coordinator of Federal Target Program "Development of pharmaceutical and medical industry of Russian Federation for the period until the year 2020 and further perspective". Results of the program implementation will be presented within the exhibitions "Public Health Care - 2011" and "Healthy Lifestyle - 2011" in exposition at the stand of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

The subject "Healthy Lifestyle" was granted the status of an independent event in 2007 and from the moment of its foundation is held under the auspices of "Russian health care week". The exhibition presents a wide range of convalescent and preventive facilities, medical aesthetics capabilities, health-improving technologies and goods for healthy lifestyle. Tho logo of Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF) conferred to the show "Healthy lifestyle" is an evidence of successful development of the project.

Within "Russian health care week - 2011" the following events will be also held: 13th Annual scientific forum "Dentistry - 2011", 6th International scientific conference on condition and development prospects of medicine in elite sport "Sportmed - 2011", 18th International specialized exhibition "Apteka - 2011".

The program of "Russian health care week - 2011" and the exhibition "Public Health Care - 2011" includes: All-Russian research and practice congress of radiologists "Radiology and nuclear medicine in oncology", International medical congress "IMedR", All-Russian forum "Supplies of medical equipment and products to MPI. Strategy - 2012", competition of complex socially important projects in the field of health care and many other events which will let specialists know about all the novelties and tendencies of the health care industry, summarize the expiring year and discuss plans for the future.


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