Date | Title, short description | |
04.12 05.12.2012 |
LIDAR - 2012 (Salzburg) Mapping Forum |
28.09 30.09.2012 |
Osttirol Messe - 2012 (Linz) Diversified Regional Exhibition |
30.08 02.09.2012 |
International Wood Fair - 2012 (Klagenfurt) ![]() International Exhibition of Forestry and Wood Processing |
30.08 02.09.2012 |
INTERNATIONALE HOLZMESSE - 2012 (Klagenfurt) International Exhibition of Forestry, Bioenergy and Transportation |
19.06 21.06.2012 |
Resources & Materials - 2012 (Wels) Natural Resources and Energy Exhibition |
11.05 13.05.2012 |
Molltaler Messe - 2012 (Obervellach) Multidisciplinary Fair |
08.05 10.05.2012 |
Osterreichischer Geodatentag (OGT) - 2012 (Velden) Exhibition and Congress on Geodesy, Geoinformatics and Cartography |
08.03 10.03.2012 |
Acqua Alta Alpina - 2012 (Salzburg) International Exhibition and Conference on Flooding and Climate Сhange in the Alps |
02.03 04.03.2012 |
Energiesparmesse - 2012 (Wels) Exhibition of Energy Saving Technologies |
17.02 19.02.2012 |
Jagd & Fischerei - Erlebnis Natur - 2012 (Wieselburg) Specialized Exhibition-Fair of Hunting and Fishing |