Date | Title, short description | |
15.09 17.09.2013 |
SHICAI - 2013 4th International Exhibition for Catering and Food Ingredients |
11.09 14.09.2013 |
FMC China - 2013 China International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Furniture Manufacturing |
11.09 14.09.2013 |
FMC Premium - 2013 China International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Furniture Manufacturing |
11.09 15.09.2013 |
Furniture China - 2013 China International Furniture Exhibition |
11.09 15.09.2013 |
Kitchen & Cabinet China - 2013 International Exhibition of Kitchen Furniture |
11.09 15.09.2013 |
Office Furniture China - 2013 International Office Furniture Exhibition |
04.09 06.09.2013 |
China Kiosk Show - 2013 10th China Self-service & Kiosk & Vending Show |
04.09 06.09.2013 |
China Vending Show - 2013 Vending Machine Exhibition |
15.08 17.08.2013 |
China (Shanghai) International Outdoor Furniture & Leisure Products Exhibition - 2013 International Outdoor Furniture & Leisure Products Exhibition |
15.06 17.06.2013 |
NKBE - 2013 International Nightclub, Ktv and Bar Equipment Exhibition |
09.06 11.06.2013 |
LuxeHome - 2013 International Luxury Living and Furnishing Exhibition |
28.05 30.05.2013 |
Kitchen & Bath China - 2013 Exhibition of Equipment and Accessories for Kitchens and Bathrooms |
11.04 14.04.2013 |
Expo Life Style For Luxury and Excellence (ELS) - 2013 Exhibition of Luxury Goods |
01.04 03.04.2013 |
Expo Shop China - 2013 International Exhibition of Equipment for Trade Industry |
01.04 03.04.2013 |
Hotel Furniture China - 2013 China International Furniture Exhibition for the Hotel Industry |
01.04 03.04.2013 |
Hotelex + Design & Deco (HDD) - 2013 International Exhibition of Equipment for Hospitality Industry and Hotel and Restaurant Business |
01.04 03.04.2013 |
Hotelex Shanghai - 2013 Exhibition of Hospitality Products and Facilities |
01.04 03.04.2013 |
Shanghai Hospitality Design & Engineering Expo (HDE) - 2013 Hospitality Design and Engineering Exhibition |
05.03 08.03.2013 |
FurniTek China - 2013 International exhibition of equipment for production of upholstery and furniture assembly |
05.03 08.03.2013 |
WoodBuild China - 2013 International Exhibition of Timber and Wood Products for Furniture and Construction Industry |
05.03 08.03.2013 |
WoodMac China - 2013 International Exhibition of Timber Harvesting and Woodworking Machines and Supplies |
14.11 16.11.2012 |
Bar & Restaurant - 2012 8th International Bar & Restaurant Suppliers Exhibition |
14.11 16.11.2012 |
FHC China - 2012 International Exhibition of Food, Beverages, Wholesale and Retail Trade and Hospitality Industry |
10.10 13.10.2012 |
Interior Lifestyle China - 2012 China International Trade Fair for Household Products and Accessories |
25.09 27.09.2012 |
Interfood Shanghai - 2012 International Exhibition of Food, Beverages, Packaging, Equipment, and Technologies |
19.09 21.09.2012 |
DoorExpo - 2012 International Exhibition of Door |
11.09 14.09.2012 |
FMC China - 2012 China International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Furniture Manufacturing |
11.09 14.09.2012 |
FMC Premium - 2012 China International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Furniture Manufacturing |
11.09 15.09.2012 |
Furniture China - 2012 China International Furniture Exhibition |
11.09 15.09.2012 |
Office Furniture China - 2012 Office Furniture Exhibition |
27.06 29.06.2012 |
China Kiosk Show - 2012 China International Exhibition of Kiosks and Vending Machines |
27.06 29.06.2012 |
China Vending Show - 2012 Vending Machine Exhibition |
23.05 26.05.2012 |
Kitchen & Bath China - 2012 International Exhibition of Kitchen Sets and Bathrooms |
19.04 22.04.2012 |
Expo Life Style For Luxury and Excellence (ELS) - 2012 Exhibition of goods of class "luxury" |
13.04 15.04.2012 |
China Shanghai International Furniture Exhibition - 2012 International Exhibition of Furniture Industry |
09.04 12.04.2012 |
Expo Shop China - 2012 International Exhibition of Equipment for a Modern Shop |
09.04 12.04.2012 |
Hotel Furniture China - 2012 China International Furniture Exhibition for the Hotel Industry |
09.04 12.04.2012 |
Hotelex + Design & Deco (HDD) - 2012 International Exhibition of Equipment for Hospitality Industry and Hotel and Restaurant Business |
09.04 12.04.2012 |
Hotelex Shanghai - 2012 Shanghai International Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies, Products, Supplies for Hospitality Industry and Hotel and Restaurant Business |
16.11 18.11.2011 |
FHC Shanghai - 2011 International Exhibition of Food, Beverages, Wholesale and Retail Trade and Hospitality Industry |
12.10 15.10.2011 |
Interior Lifestyle China - 2011 China International Exhibition of Household Goods and Accessories |
26.09 28.09.2011 |
DoorExpo - 2011 International Exhibition of Door |
14.09 17.09.2011 |
FMC China - 2011 China International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Furniture Manufacturing |
14.09 17.09.2011 |
FMC Premium - 2011 China International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Furniture Manufacturing |
14.09 17.09.2011 |
Furniture China - 2011 China International Furniture Exhibition |
14.09 17.09.2011 |
Kitchen & Cabinet China - 2011 International Exhibition of Kitchen Furniture |
14.09 17.09.2011 |
Office Furniture China - 2011 Office Furniture Exhibition |
02.06 04.06.2011 |
International Furniture Exhibition - 2011 International Furniture Exhibition |
25.05 28.05.2011 |
Kitchen & Bath China - 2011 International Exhibition of Kitchen Sets and Bathrooms |
29.03 01.04.2011 |
Hotelex Shanghai - 2011 Shanghai International Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies, Products, Supplies for Hospitality Industry and Hotel and Restaurant Business |