Date | Title, short description | |
01.12 03.12.2010 |
ARTibat - 2010 Exhibition of Building |
19.11 21.11.2010 |
Viv'expo - 2010 Environmental Exhibition |
29.10 01.11.2010 |
Salon des Vins et de la Gastronomie - 2010 Exhibition of Wines and Food |
14.10 15.10.2010 |
JRCE - 2010 Regional Exhibition-Forum Dedicated to Creation of Enterprise and Franchise |
30.09 01.10.2010 |
SalonsCE Rennes - 2010 Exhibition on Organization of Holidays, Sports and Other Events |
14.09 17.09.2010 |
SPACE - 2010 Exhibition of Livestock |
09.03 11.03.2010 |
CFIA - 2010 Exhibition of Food Industry Suppliers |