Date | Title, short description | |
28.01 29.01.2011 |
Salon des etudes et des carrieres internationales - 2011 (Paris) Exhibition of Education and Career Abroad |
28.01 29.01.2011 |
Salon sp'ecial Informatique et Multim'edia - 2011 (Paris) Exhibition of Education and Vocational Choice in the Field of Multimedia |
27.01 29.01.2011 |
Salon de l'Enseignement Sup'erieur de Montpellier - 2011 (Montpellier) Education Exhibition |
26.01 30.01.2011 |
Objectif Metiers - 2011 (Chalon-sur-Saone) Exhibition of Employment. Information for Business and Career |
21.01 22.01.2011 |
Salon de l'Etudiant et des M'etiers de Caen - 2011 (Caen) Education Exhibition |
21.01 22.01.2011 |
Salon de l'Etudiant, de la Formation et des M'etiers - 2011 (Pontoise) Education Exhibition |
21.01 22.01.2011 |
Salon du Lyc'een et de l'Etudiant - 2011 (Marseille) Exhibition of Education for Pupils and Students |
21.01 22.01.2011 |
Salon Studyrama des Etudes Superieures - 2011 (Nice) Exhibition in the field of Education |
20.01 22.01.2011 |
AZIMUT - 2011 (Brest) Education Exhibition |
15.01 16.01.2011 |
LA RECONTRE DU MARIAGE ET DU PACS - 2011 (Epinal) Exhibition of Wedding Products and Services |
14.01 16.01.2011 |
Salon de l'Apprentissage et de l'Alternance - 2011 (Paris) Exhibition of Vocational Choice |
14.01 16.01.2011 |
Salon de l'Etudiant - 2011 (Lyon) Education Exhibition |
14.01 15.01.2011 |
Salon Studyrama des Formations Artistiques et Culturelles - 2011 (Paris) Education and Training in the Field of Artistic and Cultural Training |
13.01 15.01.2011 |
Salon du Lyc'een et de l'Etudiant - 2011 (Lille) Exhibition of Education for Pupils and Students |
13.01 15.01.2011 |
Salon du Lyc'een et de l'Etudiant - 2011 (Bruz) Exhibition of Education for Pupils and Students |
08.01 09.01.2011 |
Salon de l’Etudiant - 2011 (Rouen) Exhibition of Science and Education |
08.01 09.01.2011 |
SALON DU MARIAGE - 2011 (Chalon-sur-Saone) Salon of Products and Services for Weddings Arrangement |
07.01 09.01.2011 |
LA RECONTRE DU MARIAGE ET DU PACS - 2011 (Strasbourg) Exhibition of Wedding Products and Services |
07.01 09.01.2011 |
Salon du Lyc'een et de l'Etudiant - 2011 (Bordeaux) Exhibition of Education for Pupils and Students |
11.12 12.12.2010 |
Salon des Formations et des M'etiers de l'Environnement - 2010 (Paris) Exhibition of Education and Vocational Choice in the Field of Ecology |
11.12 12.12.2010 |
Salon Special Sante, Social et Paramedical - 2010 (Paris) Student Fair of Social Health Care |
10.12 12.12.2010 |
Salon Sp'ecial Grandes Ecoles de Commerce et d'Ing'enieurs - 2010 (Paris) Exhibition of Business Schools |
03.12 04.12.2010 |
Salon Studyrama des Etudes Superieures - 2010 (Marseille) Exhibition in the field of Education |
03.12 04.12.2010 |
Salon Studyrama des Etudes Superieures - 2010 (Bordeaux) Exhibition in the field of Education |
02.12 04.12.2010 |
SALON DE L'ETUDIANT DE GRENOBLE - 2010 (Grenoble) Exhibition of Education |
01.12 06.12.2010 |
Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse - 2010 (Seine-Saint-Denis) Book Fair |
26.11 27.11.2010 |
Le Salon des formations franco-allemandes d’excellence - 2010 (Strasbourg) Franco-German Education Forum |
25.11 28.11.2010 |
Salon Europ'een de l'Education - L'Aventure des M'etiers - 2010 (Paris) Education Fair |
25.11 28.11.2010 |
Salon Europ'een de l'Education - 2010 (Paris) Students Fair of Vocational Choice |
24.11 26.11.2010 |
Educatec Educatice - 2010 (Paris) Professional Exhibition of Educational and Training Programs |
20.11 21.11.2010 |
L’Etudiant - 2010 (Saint-Etienne) Students Educational Fair |
19.11 21.11.2010 |
Premier Age - 2010 (Metz) Exhibition of Products and Services forYoung Children |
19.11 20.11.2010 |
Salon du Lyc'een et de l'Etudiant - 2010 (Dunkerque) Exhibition of Education for Pupils and Students |
19.11 20.11.2010 |
Salon Studyrama des Etudes Superieures - 2010 (Pau) Exhibition in the field of Education |
13.11 14.11.2010 |
Salon Studyrama Grande Ecole - 2010 (Paris) Exhibition of Professional and Additional Education |
11.11 12.11.2010 |
S'eniors & Services `a la personne - 2010 (Havre) Exhibition of Services for Seniors |
05.11 07.11.2010 |
Salon de la Mariee et des Jours de Fete - 2010 (Besancon) Wedding Salon |
16.10 18.10.2010 |
Religio - 2010 (Paris) Exhibition of Christian Religion |
14.10 16.10.2010 |
Olympiades des metiers - 2010 (Brest) Exhibition of Professions |
06.10 07.10.2010 |
Sante Social Expo - 2010 (Dijon) Exhibition on Occupational Safety and Health |
16.09 17.09.2010 |
Salon des Services a la Personne - 2010 (Lyon) Exhibition of Services |
07.09 08.09.2010 |
Salon de la Rentree - 2010 (Lille) School Fair |
03.09 04.09.2010 |
Salon de la Rentree - 2010 (Paris) School Fair |
03.07 04.07.2010 |
Salon de l'Etudiant - 2010 (Paris) Students Fair of Vocational Choice |
11.06 15.06.2010 |
Russian National Exhibition - 2010 (Paris) Specialized Exhibition |
22.04 25.04.2010 |
Pour L'amour Du Fil - 2010 (Nantes) Exhibition of Goods for Needlework |
11.03 12.03.2010 |
Emplois En Seine - 2010 (Rouen) Exhibition of Professional Training and Employment |
12.02 13.02.2010 |
Village de la Chimie - 2010 (Paris) Exhibition for Education in Chemistry |
29.01 30.01.2010 |
Salon Regional Formation Emploi - 2010 (Colmar) Regional Exhibition for Education and Employment |
26.11 28.11.2009 |
Oriaction - 2009 (Metz) Specialized Educational Exhibition |