Date | Title, short description | |
17.12 18.12.2011 |
PRAESEPIA - 2011 Christmas Exhibition |
16.12 18.12.2011 |
SUD’S - 2011 Exhibition of Books and Publications |
08.12 11.12.2011 |
ENERGEA - 2011 Exhibition of Renewable Energy Sources |
24.11 26.11.2011 |
AUREA - 2011 Exhibition of Religious Tourism |
18.11 20.11.2011 |
ZOOTECSUD - 2011 National Exhibition of Livestock |
10.11 14.11.2011 |
MOSTRA ORNITOLOGICA DAUNA - 2011 International Exhibition of Ornithology |
04.11 06.11.2011 |
FOGGIA IN FIORE - 2011 Exhibition of Garden Flowers |
05.10 09.10.2011 |
Campionaria - 2011 Diversified Exhibition |
05.10 09.10.2011 |
MOSTRA DELL’ARTIGIANATO PUGLIESE - 2011 Exhibition of Crafts |
05.10 09.10.2011 |
SALONE DELLA FILATELIA E NUMISMATICA - COLLEZIONISMO - 2011 Exhibition of Philately and Numismatics |
25.06 27.06.2011 |
EXPO MODA - 2011 Exhibition of Fashionable Clothes |
11.06 13.06.2011 |
EXPO BIMBO - 2011 International Exhibition of Goods and Services for Children |
28.05 30.05.2011 |
MOTORSUD - 2011 Exhibition of Cars and Motorcycles |
29.04 04.05.2011 |
Fiera dell'Agricoltura - 2011 Agricultural Exhibition |
28.04 03.05.2011 |
CUNAVISUD - 2011 Exhibition of Birds and Small Animals |
28.04 03.05.2011 |
ENOLSUD - 2011 36th National Exhibition of Wine Growing and Winemaking |
28.04 03.05.2011 |
FIERA INTERNAZIONALE DELL’AGRICOLTURA E DELLA ZOOTECNIA - 2011 International Fair of Agriculture and Livestock |
28.04 03.05.2011 |
SAI - 2011 Exhibition of Water Resources and Irrigation |
25.03 27.03.2011 |
MARMOSUD - 2011 Exhibition of Marble, Granite, Stone |
27.01 30.01.2011 |
INFOTECH - 2011 Salon of Services and Technological Innovations |
20.01 23.01.2011 |
FIERA DELL’ANTIQUARIATO - 2011 Exhibition of Antiques |
12.01 16.01.2011 |
PUGLIA SPOSI & CASAIDEA - 2011 Exhibition of Products and Services for Weddings |