Date | Title, short description | |
01.12 04.12.2013 |
MIG - 2013 International Exhibition of Italian Ice-Cream |
26.10 03.11.2013 |
Arredamont - 2013 Exhibition of Furniture and Household Goods |
12.10 14.10.2013 |
Sapori Italiani - 2013 International Exhibition of Italian Cuisine |
08.06 09.06.2013 |
Fiera Dell'Elettronica - 2013 Electronics Exhibition |
01.06 02.06.2013 |
Reptiles Day - 2013 Exhibition of Amphibians, Reptiles and Insects |
24.05 26.05.2013 |
Filiere Legno - Festa della Foresta - 2013 Exhibition on Forest Management |
24.05 26.05.2013 |
Professione Legno Energia - 2013 Exhibition of Technologies of Energy Production from Wood Chips and Pellets |
03.05 05.05.2013 |
Caccia Pesca Natura - 2013 Exhibition of Hunting and Fishing |