Date | Title, short description | |
28.03 31.03.2012 |
Restauro - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Restoration and Preservation Art |
27.03 29.03.2012 |
EXPO Ferroviaria - 2012 (Turin) International Exhibition for Railway Industry |
27.03 29.03.2012 |
Intertunnel - 2012 (Turin) International Exhibition for Tunnel Construction |
27.03 30.03.2012 |
Mostra Convegno Expocomfort - 2012 (Milano) Exhibition of Heating, Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration Technologies |
26.03 27.03.2012 |
Comocrea - 2012 (Cernobbio) Textile Design Show |
26.03 10.04.2012 |
Mia Artigianarte / Task Kyoto - 2012 (Monza) Japanese Crafts Exhibition |
25.03 28.03.2012 |
HOSPITANDO SARDEGNA - 2012 (Cagliari) Exhibition of Equipment for Hotels, Bars, Restaurants and Retail Outlets |
25.03 28.03.2012 |
VinItaly - 2012 (Verona) International Exhibition of Wine |
24.03 25.03.2012 |
ARREDO - 2012 (Bolzano) Exhibition of Interior, Design and Furniture |
24.03 25.03.2012 |
Bravo - 2012 (Belgioioso) Crafts Exhibition |
24.03 25.03.2012 |
Fiera dell’Elettronica - 2012 (Gonzaga) Exhibition of Electronics |
24.03 25.03.2012 |
Fiera Di San Giuseppe - 2012 (Cervia) Food Fair |
24.03 25.03.2012 |
Fotografia 1000naria - 2012 (Gonzaga) Photo Exhibition |
24.03 27.03.2012 |
Oroarezzo - 2012 (Arecco) International Gold, Silver and Jewelry Trade Exhibition |
24.03 25.03.2012 |
Play - 2012 (Modena) Festival of Games of All Kinds |
24.03 25.03.2012 |
Pollice Verde Sanremo - 2012 (Sanremo) Exhibition of Gardening, Horticulture, Outdoor Furniture and Bonsai |
23.03 25.03.2012 |
Energy Days - 2012 (Pordenon) Specialized Exhibition of Energy Saving and Green Building |
23.03 01.04.2012 |
Fiera primavera - 2012 (Genoa) Exhibition of Gifts, Goods for Home and Recreation |
23.03 25.03.2012 |
Fireworks - 2012 (Vallo della Lucania) International Fair of Fireworks |
23.03 25.03.2012 |
Milanofil - 2012 (Milano) Philately Exhibition |
23.03 25.03.2012 |
Pollice Verde - 2012 (Gorizia) Exhibition in the Field of Garden, Vegetable Garden, City Green Areas and Ecology |
23.03 25.03.2012 |
Sport Show - 2012 (Brescia) Sports Exhibition and Show |
23.03 25.03.2012 |
TANEXPO - 2012 (Bologna) Specialized Exhibition of Funeral Goods and Services |
23.03 25.03.2012 |
VERNICE ART FAIR - 2012 (Forli) Modern Art Exhibition |
22.03 24.03.2012 |
EnergyMed - 2012 (Naples) Conference and Exhibition on Renewable Sources and Energy Efficiency in the Mediterranean |
22.03 25.03.2012 |
EXPOEDILIZIA - 2012 (Rome) International Professional Exhibition of Construction and Architecture |
22.03 25.03.2012 |
FlorExpo - 2012 (Rome) International Exhibition of Flowers and Landscape Design |
22.03 25.03.2012 |
Gitando - 2012 (Vicenza) Exhibition of Tourism, Recreation Campings |
21.03 23.03.2012 |
Promotion Expo - 2012 (Milano) Exhibition of Advertising Production, Advertising Actions and Business Gifts |
21.03 22.03.2012 |
SMAU Business - 2012 (Rome) International Exhibition of Information and Communication Technologies |
19.03 22.03.2012 |
Bologna Children's Book Fair - 2012 (Bologna) International Exhibition of Children's Book |
19.03 21.03.2012 |
Bologna Licensing Trade Fair - 2012 (Bologna) Licensing Trade Fair |
18.03 20.03.2012 |
RAC - 2012 (Vicenza) Exhibition of Fashion Footwear |
17.03 25.03.2012 |
Antiquaria - 2012 (Padua) Exhibition of Antiques |
17.03 18.03.2012 |
C'ERA UNA VOLTA. Antiquariato - 2012 (Cesena) Trade Fair of Antiques |
17.03 18.03.2012 |
Expo Elettronica Bastia Umbra - 2012 (Bastia Umbra) Exhibition of Consumer Electronics, Telecommunications and Digital Entertainment Electronic Products |
17.03 25.03.2012 |
Fiera di San Giuseppe - 2012 (Scandiano) Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial and Craft Exhibition |
17.03 18.03.2012 |
Mondogatto - 2012 (Pesaro) International Cat Show |
17.03 18.03.2012 |
MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE CANINA - 2012 (Reggio Emilia) International Dog Exhibition |
17.03 18.03.2012 |
Mostra Scambio - Auto, Moto e Ricambi d'Epoca - 2012 (Vallo della Lucania) Exhibition of Automobiles, Motorcycles and Spare Parts |
17.03 18.03.2012 |
Motor Vacanze - 2012 (Biella) Exhibition of Trailers, Equipment and Supplies for Camping |
17.03 18.03.2012 |
Romagna Bike - 2012 (Faenza) Bicycle Exhibition |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
Acasa - 2012 (Busto Arsizio) Salon of Innovative Projects for Home and Garden Improvement |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
Agrimont - 2012 (Longarone) Exhibition of Agroindustrial Complex |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
ARREDO - 2012 (Bolzano) Exhibition of Interior, Design and Furniture |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
Babilonia - 2012 (Forli) Exhibition of Antiques and Contemporary Art |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
BROCANTAGE - Top Antiques - 2012 (Segrate) Exhibition of Antiques |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
Cartoomics - 2012 (Milano) International Exhibition of Comics, Cartoons, Video Games and Collectibles |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
Children's tour - 2012 (Modena) Travel Salon for Children |
16.03 18.03.2012 |
Fiera Nazionale della Meccanizzazione Agricola - 2012 (Savigliano) National Exhibition of Agricultural Mechanization |