Date | Title, short description | |
02.03 05.03.2014 |
MIPEL - The Bagshow - 2014 (Milano) Bag Show |
01.03 09.03.2014 |
Expo Casa - 2014 (Bastia Umbra) International Exhibition of Furniture and Home Furnishing Products |
01.03 09.03.2014 |
Expocasa - 2014 (Turin) International Exhibition of Furniture and Goods for Home Decoration |
01.03 02.03.2014 |
Fantasy&Hobby - 2014 (Ferrera) Exhibition-Fair of Crafts and Hobbies |
01.03 02.03.2014 |
FSB Show - 2014 (Udine) Exhibition of Fitness, Sport and Healthy Life Style |
01.03 02.03.2014 |
Happy Family - 2014 (Forli) Exhibition of Goods and Services for Children and Parents |
01.03 03.03.2014 |
Italian Golf Show - 2014 (Parma) Exhibition of Goods and Equipment for Golf |
01.03 02.03.2014 |
Liberamente - 2014 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Outdoor Leisure and Entertainment |
01.03 09.03.2014 |
Mercanteinfiera Primavera - 2014 (Parma) International Trade Fair of Modernism, Antiques, Art and Design |
01.03 02.03.2014 |
Mondo Motori Show - 2014 (Vicenza) Auto Show |
01.03 09.03.2014 |
Ortogiardino - 2014 (Pordenon) Exhibition of Ornamental, Tropical Plants and Flowers |
01.03 02.03.2014 |
Pollice Verde - 2014 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Horticulture |
01.03 09.03.2014 |
Speciale Idea Sposa - 2014 (Turin) Exhibition of Products and Services for Wedding |
28.02 09.03.2014 |
Brescia Casa Design - 2014 (Brescia) Exhibition of Furniture and Design |
27.02 02.03.2014 |
World Fishing - 2014 (Rome) Sports Fishing Exhibition |
26.02 28.02.2014 |
Florshow - 2014 (Padua) Exhibition of Floriculture |
23.02 26.02.2014 |
Aliment&Attrezzature - 2014 (Montichiari) Exhibition of Hotel and Restaurant Business |
23.02 27.02.2014 |
Balnearia - 2014 (Carrara) Exhibition of Spa Industry |
23.02 26.02.2014 |
Commercial Market Expo - 2014 (Montichiari) Exhibition of Vehicles and Equipment for Street Trading |
23.02 27.02.2014 |
Tirreno CT - 2014 (Carrara) Exhibition of Italian Hospitality |
22.02 24.02.2014 |
MIPAP - 2014 (Milano) International Fashion Exhibition |
22.02 23.02.2014 |
Wheels - 2014 (Bolzano) Exhibition of Automobiles, Motorcycles and Bicycles |
21.02 23.02.2014 |
Costruire - 2014 (Longarone) International Building Exhibition |
21.02 23.02.2014 |
NaturalExpo - 2014 (Forli) Exhibition of Products and Services for Healthy Way of Life |
20.02 23.02.2014 |
Abilmente - 2014 (Vicenza) Exhibition of Crafts |
20.02 22.02.2014 |
Forum Piscine - 2014 (Bologna) Pool and Spa Exhibition and International Congress |
20.02 22.02.2014 |
ForumClub - 2014 (Bologna) International Exhibition of Sporting Goods and Equipment for Fitness |
19.02 25.02.2014 |
Milano Moda Donna - 2014 (Milano) Exhibition of Women's Wear |
19.02 23.02.2014 |
Progetto Fuoco - 2014 (Padua) International Exhibition of Plants and Materials for Wood-Fire Heating |
16.02 19.02.2014 |
Ristorexpo - 2014 (Erba) Exhibition of Equipment, Goods and Services for Catering Industry |
15.02 17.02.2014 |
SuperFood - 2014 (Arecco) Food and Wine Exhibition |
14.02 16.02.2014 |
Costruire - 2014 (Longarone) International Building Exhibition |
14.02 16.02.2014 |
Expo Games - 2014 (Bolzano) Exhibition of Games and Entertainment Industry |
14.02 16.02.2014 |
Fiera Agricola Zootecnica Italiana (FAZI) - 2014 (Montichiari) Agricultural Exhibition |
14.02 16.02.2014 |
Verona Sposi - 2014 (Verona) Exhibition of Products and Services for Wedding |
13.02 15.02.2014 |
BIT - 2014 (Milano) International Tourism Exhibition-Fair |
13.02 16.02.2014 |
Future Build - 2014 (Parma) Exhibition for Sustainable Construction |
12.02 16.02.2014 |
Big Blu - 2014 (Rome) Exhibition of Small and Medium Sized Sea Crafts, and Leisure Marine Products |
12.02 16.02.2014 |
Outdoors Experience - 2014 (Rome) Exhibition of Active Rest, Recreation and Camping |
11.02 13.02.2014 |
MilanoUnica - 2014 (Milano) Italian Textile Exhibition |
08.02 11.02.2014 |
Golositalia - 2014 (Brescia) Exhibition of Gastronomy |
08.02 10.02.2014 |
Hunting Show - 2014 (Vicenza) Exhibition of Products for Hunting |
08.02 10.02.2014 |
Pescare Show - 2014 (Vicenza) International Exhibition of Goods for Fishing |
08.02 10.02.2014 |
Roma International Estetica - 2014 (Rome) International Specialized Exhibition of Applied Esthetics |
08.02 09.02.2014 |
Vinilmania - 2014 (Milano) Exhibition of Collectible Vinyl Records and CDs |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
Automotoretro - 2014 (Turin) Exhibition of Cars, Spare Parts and Accessories |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
Babilonia - 2014 (Forli) Exhibition of Antiques and Contemporary Art |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
Bergamo Sposi - 2014 (Bergamo) Exhibition of Products and Services for Wedding |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
Immagine Italia & Co - 2014 (Florence) Exhibition of Textile Products and Underwear |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
Passatempi e Passioni - 2014 (Busto Arsizio) Exhibition of Creative Hobbies |