Date | Title, short description | |
02.07 03.07.2011 |
FIERA DELLA CONCHIGLIA - 2011 (San Mauro Mare) Exhibition of Goods and Souvenirs of Sea Subject |
25.06 03.07.2011 |
ABRUZZO EXPO - 2011 (Trapani) Fair of Trade, Foods and Wine |
23.06 26.06.2011 |
CESENA IN FIERA (CIF) - 2011 (Cesena) Diversified Exhibition-Fair |
04.06 05.06.2011 |
FIERA DELL'ASCENSIONE - 2011 (Cervia) Sea Festival |
28.05 29.05.2011 |
Reptiles Day - 2011 (Longarone) Exhibition of Amphibians, Reptiles and Insects |
27.05 29.05.2011 |
Cervia Citt`a Giardino - 2011 (Cervia) Exhibition of Garden Plants and Flowers |
27.05 29.05.2011 |
International Fishing Fair - 2011 (Ancona) International Exhibition for Fishery |
27.05 30.05.2011 |
Slow Fish - 2011 (Genoa) Exhibition of Seafood |
21.05 22.05.2011 |
Verde e Natura - 2011 (Ancona) Exhibition of Gardeninng, Medicinal Herbs and Natural Products |
14.05 15.05.2011 |
BALCONI FIORITI - 2011 (Santarcangelo di Romagna) Exhibition of Gardening, Natural Products and Crafts |
14.05 22.05.2011 |
Fiera Campionaria - 2011 (Padua) Diversified Exhibition |
14.05 15.05.2011 |
GUSTO POLIS - 2011 (Gabicce Mare) Exhibition of Local Products |
12.05 15.05.2011 |
SALONE DEL CAVALLO AMERICANO - 2011 (Reggio Emilia) Exhibition of Horses |
08.05 11.05.2011 |
TUTTOFOOD - 2011 (Milano) International Exhibition of Food Industry |
07.05 15.05.2011 |
Exposudgarden - 2011 (Nola) Exhibition of Garden Design and Floriculture |
06.05 08.05.2011 |
A Tutta Birra - 2011 (Udine) Fair of Beer |
30.04 01.05.2011 |
TRENTINO CAVALLI - 2011 (Borgo Valsugana) International Exhibition of Horse Tourism |
29.04 01.05.2011 |
A Tutta Birra - 2011 (Udine) Fair of Beer |
29.04 01.05.2011 |
AGRINATURA - 2011 (Erba) Agricultural Exhibition |
29.04 04.05.2011 |
Fiera dell'Agricoltura - 2011 (Foggia) Agricultural Exhibition |
28.04 03.05.2011 |
ENOLSUD - 2011 (Foggia) 36th National Exhibition of Wine Growing and Winemaking |
28.04 03.05.2011 |
FIERA INTERNAZIONALE DELL’AGRICOLTURA E DELLA ZOOTECNIA - 2011 (Foggia) International Fair of Agriculture and Livestock |
15.04 18.04.2011 |
AGRICOLTURA - 2011 (Lanciano) National Agricultural Exhibition |
15.04 17.04.2011 |
Cibus Tour - 2011 (Parma) Italian Exhibition of Traditional Recipes and Local Food |
14.04 16.04.2011 |
Rassegna Suinicola Internazionale - 2011 (Reggio Emilia) International Pig Breeding Exhibition |
09.04 10.04.2011 |
Salone Nazionale delle Sagre - 2011 (Ferrera) Salon of Celebrations, History and Gastronomy of Italy |
07.04 11.04.2011 |
Agrifood Club - 2011 (Verona) International Gastronomic Exhibition |
07.04 11.04.2011 |
Enolitech - 2011 (Verona) International Exhibition of Technologies of Wine Growinge, Oenology and Technologies for Olive Oil Production |
07.04 10.04.2011 |
ROMACAVALLI - 2011 (Rome) Exhibition of Equestrian Sport |
07.04 11.04.2011 |
SOL - 2011 (Verona) International Exhibition of Olive Oil |
07.04 11.04.2011 |
VinItaly - 2011 (Verona) International Exhibition of Wine |
02.04 05.04.2011 |
PastaTrend - 2011 (Bologna) Exhibition of Pasta and Noodles |
01.04 03.04.2011 |
AGROFER - 2011 (Cesena) Specialized Exhibitionof Agriculture Energy, Ecological Construction and Energy Saving Technologies |
01.04 03.04.2011 |
Pollice Verde - 2011 (Gorizia) Exhibition of Urban Ecology and Horticulture |
25.03 27.03.2011 |
Agrimont - 2011 (Longarone) Exhibition of Agroindustrial Complex |
25.03 27.03.2011 |
AGRIUMBRIA - 2011 (Bastia Umbra) Exhibition of Agroindustrial Complex |
19.03 20.03.2011 |
FIERA DI SAN GIUSEPPE - 2011 (Cervia) Fair of Foodstuff |
18.03 20.03.2011 |
AgroEnergie - 2011 (Cremona) International Specialized Exhibition of Modern Agriculture, Bio-energetics, Renewable Energy |
18.03 20.03.2011 |
VerdeCasa - 2011 (Padua) Exhibition for the Use of Flowers and Plants in the Interior and in the Urban Environment |
13.03 17.03.2011 |
Levante Prof - 2011 (Bari) Exhibition of Confectionery and Bakery Products |
12.03 13.03.2011 |
BIOSALUTE TRIVENETO - 2011 (Santa Lucia di Piave) Exhibition of Natural Products and Healthy Lifestyle |
12.03 14.03.2011 |
TASTE - 2011 (Florence) Exhibition of Foodstuff |
11.03 13.03.2011 |
Mostra dell’Agricoltura di Faenza - 2011 (Faenza) Exhibition of Agriculture |
06.03 10.03.2011 |
Tirreno CT - 2011 (Carrara) Exhibition of Italian Hospitality |
05.03 13.03.2011 |
Festival del Cioccolato - 2011 (Nola) Specialized Exhibition of Chocolate |
04.03 06.03.2011 |
APIMELL - 2011 (Piacenza) 28th National Exhibition of Beekeeping |
04.03 06.03.2011 |
BUONVIVERE - 2011 (Piacenza) 4rd Fair of Food and Wine |
04.03 07.03.2011 |
Olio Capitale - 2011 (Triest) Exhibition Dedicated to Production and Sale of Olive Oil |
04.03 06.03.2011 |
SEMINAT - 2011 (Piacenza) 30th Exhibition of Gardening and Truck Farming |
26.02 27.02.2011 |
IDEA SPOSA - 2011 (Turin) Exhibition of Products and Services for Wedding |