Date | Title, short description | |
01.12 02.12.2012 |
Millenaria Outdoor - 2012 (Gonzaga) Exhibition for Hunting and Fishing |
01.12 02.12.2012 |
Mostra-Mercato del Giocattolo d'epoca e Modellismo Ferroviario - 2012 (Reggio Emilia) Railway Modelling Exhibition |
29.11 02.12.2012 |
Mercanteinfiera Natale - 2012 (Parma) Fair of Antiques, Collection Items, Design, Vintage, Books, Sculptures, Graphics and Handy Made Christmas Presents |
24.11 25.11.2012 |
Usi & Costumi - 2012 (Ferrera) International Exhibition Dedicated to Traditions and Tourism |
23.11 25.11.2012 |
Ludica - 2012 (Rome) Exhibition of Italian Games, Recreation and Entertainment |
23.11 25.11.2012 |
Ludica Model - 2012 (Rome) Modelling Show |
23.11 25.11.2012 |
Mexpo - 2012 (Busto Arsizio) Exhibition-Fair of Leisure, Sport and Recreation |
23.11 25.11.2012 |
Milano Danza Expo - 2012 (Segrate) Exhibition of Dance Schools |
23.11 25.11.2012 |
Mondo Pesca - 2012 (Carrara) Exhibition of Fish Iindustry and Fishing |
17.11 18.11.2012 |
Model Game - 2012 (Bologna) International Exhibition for Modeling Static and Dynamic Models |
17.11 18.11.2012 |
Tuttinfiera - 2012 (Padua) Diversified Exhibition Devoted to Recreation |
16.11 18.11.2012 |
Il Mondo Creativo - 2012 (Bologna) International Exhibition of Goods for Handicraft, Hobby |
15.11 18.11.2012 |
Borsa Mediterranea del turismo Archeologica - 2012 (Salerno) Archaeological Tourism Exhibition |
15.11 18.11.2012 |
EICMA - 2012 (Milano) International Motorcycle Exhibition |
10.11 12.11.2012 |
Aestetica - 2012 (Naples) Mediterranean Exhibition of Beauty and Wellness |
10.11 11.11.2012 |
Disco e CD usato e da collezione - 2012 (Ferrera) Fair of Collectible CDs |
10.11 11.11.2012 |
Ferrara Comics & Games - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Comics and Games |
10.11 11.11.2012 |
Giocattolo antico e da Collezione - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Collectible Toys |
10.11 11.11.2012 |
Ludogames - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Video Games |
09.11 11.11.2012 |
Fantasy & Hobby - 2012 (Genoa) Exhibition-Fair of Crafts and Hobbies |
09.11 11.11.2012 |
Hobby Show - 2012 (Milano) Exhibition of Products for Art and Craft |
09.11 11.11.2012 |
L'Ago Magico - 2012 (Segrate) Exhibition of Embroidery and Needlework |
09.11 11.11.2012 |
Weekend Donna - 2012 (Milano) Exhibition for Women |
08.11 11.11.2012 |
Fieracavalli - 2012 (Verona) International Exhibition of Horses, Riding and Equipment for Horse Breeding |
03.11 04.11.2012 |
Culter Expo - 2012 (Segrate) Exhibition of Collection and Sport Knives |
03.11 04.11.2012 |
Militalia - 2012 (Segrate) Exhibition for Collectors of Military Items |
01.11 04.11.2012 |
Il mondo di Pippi - 2012 (Gonzaga) Exhibition of Games and Toys |
01.11 04.11.2012 |
SKIPASS - 2012 (Modena) Specialized Exhibition to Winter Sports |
26.10 28.10.2012 |
Creattiva Napoli - 2012 (Naples) Exhibition of Handicrafts, Hobbies, Art and Antiques |
26.10 28.10.2012 |
Sports Days - 2012 (Rimini) Sports Exhibition |
20.10 21.10.2012 |
Biciamo - 2012 (Lanciano) Bicycle Exhibition |
18.10 21.10.2012 |
Abilmente - 2012 (Vicenza) Exhibition of Crafts |
18.10 20.10.2012 |
TTG Incontri - 2012 (Rimini) International B2B Fair for the Tourism |
18.10 20.10.2012 |
TTI Travel Trade Italia - 2012 (Rimini) Tourism Exhibition |
17.10 19.10.2012 |
Enada Roma - 2012 (Rome) International Amusement and Gaming Show |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
Disco e CD usato e da collezione - 2012 (Ferrera) Fair of Collectible CDs |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
Ferrara Comics & Games - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Comics and Games |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
Ferrara Militaria - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Collection Military Models and Objects |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
Ferrara Photographia - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Professional and Amateur Зhotography |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
Festival dei Motori - 2012 (Montichiari) Motorsport Show |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
Giocattolo antico e da Collezione - 2012 (Ferrera) Exhibition of Collectible Toys |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
SoftAir Fair - 2012 (Ferrera) National Fair of Airsoft |
13.10 14.10.2012 |
VINILMANIA - 2012 (Milano) Exhibition of Collection Disks |
12.10 14.10.2012 |
AGRIeTOUR - 2012 (Arecco) Agritourism Exhibition |
12.10 14.10.2012 |
Alta Quota - 2012 (Bergamo) Exhibition of Products and Services for Mountain Tourism |
12.10 14.10.2012 |
Hobby Show Roma - 2012 (Rome) Exhibition of Products for Art and Craft |
06.10 07.10.2012 |
Barmania - 2012 (Gonzaga) Exhibition of Beer and Beer Accessories |
06.10 07.10.2012 |
Ludogames - 2012 (Faenza) Fair of Video Games |
06.10 07.10.2012 |
Sagra del Minatore - 2012 (Cesena) Festival of Miners |
05.10 07.10.2012 |
Itinerari Sardegna - 2012 (Cagliari) Tourism Exhibition |