Date | Title, short description | |
28.11 30.11.2014 |
Hjem & Hobby - 2014 (Lillestrom) Specialized Exhibition of Consumer Goods |
22.11 23.11.2014 |
Dog4all - 2014 (Lillestrom) International Dog Show |
21.11 23.11.2014 |
Alternativmessen - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Esoterics, Astrology, Alternative Medicine, Mysticism |
21.11 23.11.2014 |
JuleExpo - 2014 (Lillestrom) Christmas Fair |
21.11 23.11.2014 |
Samler & Antikkmessen - 2014 (Lillestrom) Fair of Antiques |
07.11 09.11.2014 |
Boardexpo - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Snowboards |
07.11 09.11.2014 |
Kids Expo - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Goods and Services for Children |
07.11 09.11.2014 |
Skiexpo - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Products for Skiing |
28.10 30.10.2014 |
LAB - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment and Quality Control |
22.10 24.10.2014 |
FDV-Dagene - 2014 (Lillestrom) Specialized Exhibition of Upkeep and Janitorial Services of Buildings |
22.10 24.10.2014 |
VVS-Dagene - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition for Manufacturers and Suppliers of Sanitaryware |
16.10 18.10.2014 |
Nordental - 2014 (Lillestrom) Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Services for Stomatology |
10.10 12.10.2014 |
Oslo Motor Show - 2014 (Oslo) Exhibition of Vehicles |
18.09 21.09.2014 |
Caravanmessen - 2014 (Lillestrom) Specialized Exhibition of Trailers, Camping Cars and Recreation |
12.09 14.09.2014 |
Dyrsku'n - 2014 (Seljord) Agricultural Exhibition-Fair |
05.09 07.09.2014 |
Aktiv - 2014 (Lillestrom) Active Lifestyle Exhibition |
25.08 28.08.2014 |
ONS - 2014 (Stavanger) Exhibition for Energy |
22.08 24.08.2014 |
Agrishow - 2014 (Stjordal) Agricultural Exhibition |
21.08 24.08.2014 |
Gave & Interiоr - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Souvenirs and Interior Items |
21.08 24.08.2014 |
Norsk gull & ur messe - 2014 (Lillestrom) Trade Fair for Jewelry and Watches |
19.08 22.08.2014 |
Nor-Fishing - 2014 (Trondhejm) International Fisheries Trade Shows |
11.08 17.08.2014 |
Moteuka - 2014 (Oslo) Norwegian Fashion Forum |
02.06 05.06.2014 |
Eliaden - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Industrial Equipment |
22.05 24.05.2014 |
Transport - 2014 (Lillestrom) Norwegian National Transport Exhibition |
24.04 27.04.2014 |
Dra til Sjos - 2014 (Bergen) Water Transport Exhibition |
24.04 27.04.2014 |
Hyttemessen - 2014 (Oslo) Exhibition of Country House Building and Improvement |
04.04 06.04.2014 |
HAGEmessen - 2014 (Lillestrom) Specialized Exhibition of Goods for Gardens and Country Houses |
27.03 30.03.2014 |
Villmarksmessen - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Goods for Hunting, Fishing and Active Rest |
20.03 23.03.2014 |
HYTTE - 2014 (Lillestrom) Diversified Exhibition |
12.03 16.03.2014 |
Sjoen For Alle - 2014 (Lillestrom) Norwegian International Boat Show |
28.02 02.03.2014 |
Fotomessen - 2014 (Oslo) Exhibition of Photographs |
28.02 02.03.2014 |
Reiseliv - 2014 (Lillestrom) Norwegian International Exhibition for Tourism |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
Health & Beauty - 2014 (Oslo) Specialized Exhibition of Beauty Industry |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
HELSE - 2014 (Oslo) Specialized Exhibition of Medical Goods and Services |
07.02 09.02.2014 |
Sko & Veskemessen - 2014 (Oslo) Exhibition-Fair of Shoes and Bags |
04.02 06.02.2014 |
Mat & Emballasje - 2014 (Lillestrom) Food & Packaging Exhibition |
04.02 07.02.2014 |
NEF-dagene - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Food Industry, Packaging and Processing |
04.02 07.02.2014 |
Smak - 2014 (Lillestrom) Specialized Exhibition of Foodstuffs, Drinks, Equipment for Public Catering Enterprises |
03.02 09.02.2014 |
Moteuka - 2014 (Oslo) Norwegian Fashion Forum |
23.01 26.01.2014 |
Gave & Interiоr - 2014 (Lillestrom) Exhibition of Souvenirs and Interior Items |
19.01 21.01.2014 |
Norspomessen - 2014 (Oslo) Exhibition of Products for Sports |
07.01 09.01.2014 |
Jobb & Utdanning - 2014 (Lillestrom) Norwegian International Careers & Education Exhibition |