Date | Title, short description | |
07.12 09.12.2012 |
CAVALIADA - 2012 (Poznan) Horse-Riding Exhibition Fair |
30.11 02.12.2012 |
Drink-Plus - 2012 (Kielce) Exhibition of Alcoholic Beverages |
23.11 25.11.2012 |
Pomorskie Targi Rolnictwa - 2012 (Gdansk) Agricultural Fair |
14.11 16.11.2012 |
ENOEXPO - 2012 (Krakow) International Wine Fair |
14.11 16.11.2012 |
Gastrofood - 2012 (Krakow) Specialized Fair of Foodstuff and Drinks for Public Catering Enterprises |
27.10 28.10.2012 |
Agro-Park - 2012 (Lublin) Agricultural Exhibition-Fair |
12.10 14.10.2012 |
Natura Food - 2012 (Lodz) International Fair of Foodstuff and Drinks |
08.10 11.10.2012 |
Gastro Trendy - 2012 (Poznan) International Fair-Sale of Foodstuffs and Drinks |
08.10 11.10.2012 |
Invest-Hotel - 2012 (Poznan) Exhibition of the Hospitality Industry |
08.10 11.10.2012 |
Polagra-Food - 2012 (Poznan) International Food Industry Exhibition |
07.10 11.10.2012 |
Polagra-Tech - 2012 (Warsaw) International Diversified Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Food Industry |
06.10 07.10.2012 |
Autumn Horticultural Fair - 2012 (Torun) Horticultural Fair |
06.10 07.10.2012 |
Targi Ogrodnicze Jesien - 2012 (Gdansk) Gardening Fair |
29.09 30.09.2012 |
Jesienny Kiermasz Ogrodniczy Pomorza i Kujaw - 2012 (Bydgoszcz) Exhibition of Horticulture |
29.09 30.09.2012 |
Targi Motoryzacji - 2012 (Koszalin) Car Fair |
29.09 30.09.2012 |
Wystawa Bydla Mlecznego, Pokaz Zwierzat Hodowlanych - 2012 (Gdansk) Exhibition of Cattle Breeding and Milk Products |
22.09 23.09.2012 |
Ogrod - 2012 (Allenstein) Horticulture Fair |
20.09 22.09.2012 |
China Expo Poland - 2012 (Warsaw) Exhibition Sector of Economic Cooperation With China |
15.09 16.09.2012 |
Kaszubska Jesien Rolnicza - 2012 (Luban) 15th Agricultural Exhibition |
14.09 16.09.2012 |
Garden and You - 2012 (Kielce) Garden Fair |
14.09 16.09.2012 |
Zoo-Botanica - 2012 (Wroclaw) 11th Zoological - Botanical Fair and Exhibition |
08.09 09.09.2012 |
Jesienne Targi Ogrodniczo-Nasienne - 2012 (Stare Pole) Fair of Gardening |
31.08 02.09.2012 |
Krajowa Wystawa Zwierzat Hodowlanych (KWZH) - 2012 (Poznan) National Exhibition of Animal Breeding |
25.08 26.08.2012 |
Gielda Ogrodnicza - Eko Rolnictwo - 2012 (Koszalin) Agricultural Exhibition |
25.08 26.08.2012 |
Rol-Szansa - 2012 (Piotrkoyw Trybunalski) Specialized Agricultural Exhibition |
24.08 26.08.2012 |
Polan - 2012 (Krakow) Agricultural Exhibition |
24.08 26.08.2012 |
Green is life - 2012 (Warsaw) International Exhibition of Plants, Garden Equipment and Landscape Architecture |
18.08 19.08.2012 |
Paluckie Targi Rolne - 2012 (Znin) Specialized Agriculture Fair |
18.08 19.08.2012 |
Roltechnika - 2012 (Wilkowice) Agricultural Exhibition |
23.06 24.06.2012 |
W Sercu Polski - 2012 (Lodz) Specialized Agricultural Fair |
15.06 17.06.2012 |
Pizza, Pasta & Wine Show - 2012 (Lodz) Fair of Pizza, Pasta and Wine |
02.06 03.06.2012 |
Przemyslowe, Pomorska Wojewodzka Wystawa Zwierzat Hodowlanych - 2012 (Gdansk) Agricultural Trade Fair |
01.06 02.06.2012 |
Polskie Zboza - 2012 (Poznan) Agricultural Fair on Technologies of Ñultivation of Ñrops |
26.05 27.05.2012 |
Eko Targi - Gielda Ogrodnicza - 2012 (Koszalin) Exhibition-Fair of Organic Products and Goods for Health, Beauty and Leisure |
26.05 27.05.2012 |
Home & Garden - 2012 (Gliwice) Construction and Horticultural Exhibition |
26.05 27.05.2012 |
Ogrod - 2012 (Allenstein) Horticulture Fair |
26.05 27.05.2012 |
Targi Rolniczo-Ogrodnicze Koscierzyn - 2012 (Koscierzyna) 22nd Specialized Trade Fair of Agriculture and Hortyculture |
23.05 24.05.2012 |
Food ingredients Central & Eastern Europe (FICEE) - 2012 (Warsaw) Exhibition of Food Ingredients |
23.05 25.05.2012 |
Milky Revue - 2012 (Gdansk) Fair of Dairy Industry |
19.05 20.05.2012 |
Kwiatowe, Majowka w Strzelinie - 2012 (Slupsk) Agricultural Fair of Flowers |
12.05 13.05.2012 |
Organic - 2012 (Szczecin) Fair of Healthy Food and Natural Products |
11.05 13.05.2012 |
Eden - 2012 (Lublin) Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Equipment for Garden Plots |
01.05 03.05.2012 |
Ogrod - 2012 (Allenstein) Horticulture Fair |
28.04 29.04.2012 |
Wiosenne Targi Ogrodnicze - 2012 (Stare Pole) Fair of Gardening |
28.04 29.04.2012 |
Spring Horticultural Fair - 2012 (Torun) Horticultural Fair |
21.04 22.04.2012 |
Agrotechnika - 2012 (Lodz) 20th Specialized Agricultural Exhibition |
21.04 22.04.2012 |
Targi Ogrodnicze - 2012 (Koscierzyna) Specialized Fair of Horticulture |
21.04 22.04.2012 |
VetMEDICA - 2012 (Lodz) Specialized Fair of Veterinary Medicine |
20.04 22.04.2012 |
OGR'OD i TY - 2012 (Kielce) Exhibition of Products for Home and Garden |
20.04 22.04.2012 |
Ogrod - 2012 (Szczecin) Horticulture Fair |