Date | Title, short description | |
06.09 09.09.2016 |
Autumn of Pomorie - 2016 (Arkhangelsk) Interregional Universal Fair |
Press release |
02.09 04.09.2016 |
Family World - 2016 (Rostov-on-Don) Southern Russia Forum |
30.08 04.09.2016 |
AGRORUS - 2016 (Saint-Petersburg) International Agroindustrial Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog Press release |
26.08 28.08.2016 |
TYVA EXPO - 2016. AUTUMN (Kyzyl) 16th Interregional Universal Industrial Exhibition-Fair |
25.08 27.08.2016 |
World of Childhood. World of School - 2016 (Vladimir) 1st Interregional Exhibition |
24.08 27.08.2016 |
BelgorodExpo - 2016 (Belgorod) 19th Interregional Universal Exhibition-Fair |
24.08 27.08.2016 |
World of Childhood. School - 2016 (Belgorod) 19th Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
23.08 26.08.2016 |
Shopping Arcade - 2016 (Arkhangelsk) Interregional Universal Fair |
23.08 27.08.2016 |
Chic and Charm - 2016 (Kazan) International Trade Fair for Clothing and Footwear, Fashion, Design, Jewelry and Ornaments, Exclusive Interior Items, Products for Beauty and Health and Natural Foods |
17.08 21.08.2016 |
Week of Russian Goods - 2016 (Kazan) Universal Diversified Exhibition-Fair |
17.08 23.08.2016 |
Orthodox Russia. Fair of Honey "Savior of the Honey Feast Day" - 2016 (Perm) 11th Interregional Orthodox Exhibition of Monasteries and Churches, Institutions of Religious Education and Enlightenment, Publishing Houses, Artistic and Production Workshops |
09.08 12.08.2016 |
Dvinskaya Fair - 2016 (Arkhangelsk) Interregional Universal Fair |
04.08 10.08.2016 |
Everything for School - 2016 (Irkutsk) Specialized Fair |
01.08 31.08.2016 |
School Fair - 2016 (Tyumen) Universal Fair |
27.07 30.07.2016 |
White Sea Fair - 2016 (Arkhangelsk) Interregional Universal Fair |
23.07 23.07.2016 |
Pskov of Artisans - 2016 (Pskov) Interregional Crafts Fair |
20.07 24.07.2016 |
InterJeweller - 2016 (Sochi) 16th International Exhibition of Jewellery Industry |
Online catalog Press release |
20.07 22.07.2016 |
Summer - 2016 (Yaroslavl) Universal Exhibition-Fair |
12.07 16.07.2016 |
CIS Countries in Kazan - 2016 (Kazan) Universal Exhibition-Fair of Consumer Goods and Foodstuffs |
07.07 08.07.2016 |
Linen - 2016 (Yaroslavl) Exhibition-Fair |
06.07 09.07.2016 |
Summer Kaleidoscope - 2016 (Belgorod) 7th Interregional Exhibition |
06.07 10.07.2016 |
Yuvelirexpo. Kazan - 2016 (Kazan) 14th Specialized Exhibition of Jewelry |
23.06 26.06.2016 |
Arkhangelsk Fair - 2016 (Arkhangelsk) Interregional Universal Fair of Goods and Services for the Public |
22.06 27.06.2016 |
Orthodoxy (Petrov Post) - 2016 (Sochi) 13th Orthodox Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog Press release |
16.06 19.06.2016 |
Territory of Beauty - 2016 (Sochi) 10th Exhibition of Jewellery, Fashion, Hairdressing and Cosmetology |
15.06 17.06.2016 |
Summer Season - 2016 (Yaroslavl) Universal Exhibition-Fair |
09.06 13.06.2016 |
Summer Fair - 2016 (Izhevsk) All-Russian Universal Fair |
Press release |
08.06 14.06.2016 |
Consumer Goods Fair - 2016 (Krasnoyarsk) Consumer Goods Fair |
07.06 10.06.2016 |
Summer Torzhok - 2016 (Arkhangelsk) Interregional Universal Trade Fair |
03.06 05.06.2016 |
RosExpoCrimea. Import Substitution. Food - 2016 (Yalta) 3rd Exhibition of Russian Producers in the Crimea |
03.06 05.06.2016 |
RosExpoCrimea - 2016 (Yalta) 3rd Exhibition of Russian producers in the Crimea |
03.06 05.06.2016 |
RosExpoCrimea. Import Substitution. Industry - 2016 (Yalta) 3rd Exhibition of Russian Producers in the Crimea |
02.06 05.06.2016 |
Moscow Halal Expo - 2016 (Moscow) Moscow International Halal Exhibition |
Press release |
02.06 06.06.2016 |
Gold of Russia - World of Stone - 2016 (Makhachkala) Interregional with International Participation Specialized Jewelry Exhibition and Sale |
02.06 05.06.2016 |
Muslim World - 2016 (Chelyabinsk) Muslim Exhibition-Fair |
01.06 04.06.2016 |
Kosmetik Expo. Volga Region - 2016 (Kazan) Exhibition for Professionals of Beauty Industry |
01.06 04.06.2016 |
Belarus in Belgorod Region - 2016 (Belgorod) 12th Universal Exhibition |
01.06 03.06.2016 |
World of Childhood - 2016 (Kazan) 9th Specialized Exhibition |
01.06 04.06.2016 |
Regions of Russia - 2016 (Belgorod) 14th Interregional Exhibition |
28.05 29.05.2016 |
Crimea - South Russia - 2016 (Sevastopol) 3rd International Exhibition of Food and Non-food Products |
27.05 29.05.2016 |
TYVA EXPO - 2016. SPRING (Kyzyl) 15th Interregional Universal Industrial Exhibition-Fair |
26.05 31.05.2016 |
Orthodox Russia - 2016 (Rostov-on-Don) 10th Interregional Exhibition |
26.05 29.05.2016 |
Jewellery SPRING - 2016 (Volgograd) 7th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
25.05 29.05.2016 |
Junwex New Russian Style - 2016 (Moscow) 15th International Exhibition of Jewelry Watches and Brands |
25.05 28.05.2016 |
Spring in Vladimir - 2016 (Vladimir) 18th Interregional Exhibition |
25.05 27.05.2016 |
Shop. Hotel. Restaurant - 2016 (Belgorod) 11th Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
25.05 27.05.2016 |
International Ulan-Ude Fair - 2016 (Ulan-Ude) Specialized Exhibition |
24.05 27.05.2016 |
Made in Russia - 2016 (Arkhangelsk) Interregional Universal Exhibition-Fair of National Goods and Services |
19.05 21.05.2016 |
Made in Omsk - 2016 (Omsk) Specialized Fair |
18.05 22.05.2016 |
Murmansk Mosaic - 2016 (Murmansk) Interregional Universal Exhibition-Fair |