Date | Title, short description | |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
InterStroyExpo - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 7th Annual Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
Windows and doors - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
Materials of construction and finishing - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd specialized exhibition. |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
Teplovent - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
03.04 06.04.2001 |
Electrotechnologies - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) International Specialized exhibition and Congress |
03.04 06.04.2001 |
Power equipment- 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
27.03 30.03.2001 |
INDUSTRY of PROCESSING and RECYCLINGS - 2001 (Moscow) International exhibition |
27.03 31.03.2001 |
Poliory - 2001 (Moscow) International exhibition of supplies and services (printing, publishing business, and advertising). |
20.03 23.03.2001 |
VPK-TEK - 2001 (Omsk) The Exhibition and conference. |
20.03 23.03.2001 |
OmskGasNefteHim - 2001 (Omsk) Specialized Exhibition |
20.03 23.03.2001 |
Energosib - 2001 (Omsk) The Exhibition and conference. |
14.03 18.03.2001 |
DREVOTECH - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 6-th specialized exhibition |
Online catalog |
14.03 18.03.2001 |
Teplovent - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 4th Specialized Exhibition. Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning |
Online catalog |
13.03 15.03.2001 |
Woodworking - 2001 (Volgograd) Specialized exhibition. |
13.03 16.03.2001 |
Packing. Label- 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
12.03 15.03.2001 |
Tires & Rubber - 2001 (Moscow) The 4th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Tires, Rubber and Rubber Goods |
12.03 15.03.2001 |
Bytchimexpo - 2001 (Moscow) The 3d International Specialized Exhibition for Household Chemistry Products, Cosmetics and Perfumery as well as Raw Materials, Packaging and Equipment for Their Manufacture |
12.03 15.03.2001 |
Plastics industry show - 2001 (Moscow) The 2nd Specialized Exhibition for Plastics Products, Raw Materials, Equipment and Technologies for Their Manufacture |
12.03 15.03.2001 |
INTERLAKOKRASKA - 2001 (Moscow) 5th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Paints and Varnish |
28.02 02.03.2001 |
Electrical Engineer and Power - 2001 (Rostov-on-Don) Exhibition of production electrotechnical and electronic industry, power |
07.02 09.02.2001 |
Mechanical engeneering - 2001 (Volgograd) Specialized exhibition. |
06.02 09.02.2001 |
Intercold - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) International specialized exhibition |
Online catalog |
07.12 09.12.2000 |
Totals of the year - wholesale industrial fair - 2000 (Volgograd) Annual wholesale industrial fair with signings treaties |
30.11 02.12.2000 |
CONTAINER And PACKING - 2000 (Rostov-on-Don) An exhibition of container and packing for products of a feed(meal) and drinks. |
28.11 01.12.2000 |
MUNICIPAL ORDER FOR SAINT-PETERSBURG-2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 6-th International Exhibition |
21.11 24.11.2000 |
SODRUZHESTVO - 2000 (Omsk) 7th international universal trade-industrial exhibition and fair of the CIS countries and Baltia |
16.11 18.11.2000 |
UPOLI - 2000 (Krasnodar) IV Specialized Exhibition of FoodProcessing, Packing and Label Printing Industries |
14.11 17.11.2000 |
Energy.Ecology - 2000 (Vladivostok) 6th Specialized Exhibition |
14.11 17.11.2000 |
SEVEREXPO - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) Universal trade and industry exhibition of goods for Northern regions and manufacturers of the North |
Online catalog |
31.10 03.11.2000 |
REMSTROIEXPO - 2000 (Omsk) Exhbition of tools, technologies, equipment, construction and decorating materials for interior work in homes, offices, industrial buildings. |
31.10 04.11.2000 |
NEFTEGAZEXPO - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 3rd International Specialized exhibition and Conference. |
Online catalog |
31.10 04.11.2000 |
CONVERTEXPO - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd International Specialized Exhibition and Conference |
31.10 04.11.2000 |
LACQUERS & PAINTS - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd International specialized exhibition |
31.10 04.11.2000 |
OIL REFINING & PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd International Specialized exhibition. |
Online catalog |
31.10 04.11.2000 |
Plastexpo - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) 3rd International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
31.10 04.11.2000 |
RADIATION SAFETY - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 3rd Specialized exhibition and conference. |
Online catalog |
31.10 04.11.2000 |
CHIMEXPO - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) International Specialized exhibition. |
Online catalog |
24.10 27.10.2000 |
Label. Package - 2000 (Krasnoyarsk) Specialized Exhibition of Packaging Technologies, Equipment and Materials. Raw Materials, Machines, Equipment and Technologies for Labels Manufacturing |
17.10 20.10.2000 |
UPACKEXPO - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd International Specialized Exhibition |
04.10 08.10.2000 |
DREVKHIM - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd International Specialized Exhibition. |
Online catalog |
26.09 29.09.2000 |
Russian Industrialist - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) 4th International Specialized Exhibition-Сongress |
Online catalog |
26.09 29.09.2000 |
Technochemistry-2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 3rd International exhibition. |
Online catalog |
26.09 29.09.2000 |
Rust Protection-2000 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th International Exhibition |
13.09 17.09.2000 |
DEREVOOBRABOTKA - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd International specialized exhibition |
Online catalog |
12.09 15.09.2000 |
PAP-FOR - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
21.06 25.06.2000 |
Inrybprom - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 7th International specialized exhibition |
Online catalog |
13.06 16.06.2000 |
Biotechnology - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd International specialized exhibition |
13.06 16.06.2000 |
Regional markets of Russia and CIS- 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) The 3rd International Specialized Exhibition |
13.06 16.06.2000 |
Chemistry - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
25.05 28.05.2000 |
Megapolis - 2000 (Saint-Petersburg) International Specialized Exhibition |