Date | Title, short description | |
28.02 01.03.2008 |
Education & Career - 2008 (Samara) 4th Specialized Exhibition |
28.02 02.03.2008 |
Tourism, Sport, Rest - 2008 (Khabarovsk) 9th Universal Exhibition |
27.02 02.03.2008 |
Childhood planet - 2008 (Saint-Petersburg) Specialized Exhibition of Educational Programs, Goods and Services for Children |
Online catalog |
27.02 29.02.2008 |
Healthy Rest - 2008 (Tomsk) 5th Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
19.02 21.02.2008 |
Education and Career. Book - 2008 (Chelyabinsk) 11th Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
15.02 16.02.2008 |
Educational Exhibition "Planet "Education" - 2008 (Ekaterinburg) Specialized Exhibition |
15.02 17.02.2008 |
Alquimia Fair/Life Quality Technologies - 2008 (Moscow) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
15.02 17.02.2008 |
Alquimia Fair/ Laboratory "Alchemy of Wanderings" - 2008 (Moscow) Specialized Exhibition of Unusual Travels |
15.02 17.02.2008 |
Alquimia Fair/ Laboratory "Alchemy of Thought" - 2008 (Moscow) Specialized Exhibition of Cognitive Technologies |
15.02 17.02.2008 |
Alquimia Fair/ Laboratory "Alchemy of Action" - 2008 (Moscow) Specialized Exhibition of Realization Technologies |
15.02 17.02.2008 |
Alquimia Fair/ Laboratory "Alchemy of Body" - 2008 (Moscow) Specialized Exhibition of Health Technologies |
14.02 15.02.2008 |
Government Order of Saint-Petersburg - 2008 (Saint-Petersburg) Exhibition |
14.02 15.02.2008 |
Education. Career - 2008 (Kaluga) Services of Educational Establishments, Educational Programs, Jobs Vacancies Fai |
14.02 18.02.2008 |
Souvenirs. Gifts. Ornaments - 2008 (Saint-Petersburg) 19th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
07.02 08.02.2008 |
Science, Education and Career - 2008 (Arkhangelsk) 11th Exhibition of Educational Establishments and Research Institutes, Accompanying Goods |
Press release |
06.02 08.02.2008 |
Innovative Forum - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Forum |
Press release |
01.02 02.02.2008 |
Intourfest - 2008 (Saint-Petersburg) Business Meeting of Tourist Business Professionals |
16.01 18.01.2008 |
City Educational Forum - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of Advanced Technoogies, Educational Programs and Services |
21.12 27.12.2007 |
Gifts for New Year - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg) 6th New Year's Fair |
06.12 06.12.2007 |
Exhibiting Saint-Petersburg - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg) Exhibition Project |
Online catalog |
15.11 19.11.2007 |
Souvenirs. Gifts. Decorations - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg) 18th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Press release |
09.11 11.11.2007 |
Information Technologies in Education - 2007 (Moscow) 17th International Conference-Exhibition |
09.10 14.10.2007 |
Museum "Role of History in Life and Business" (Rostov-on-Don) Unique Project |
02.10 05.10.2007 |
HiTech - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg) 12th International Exhibition and Congress. High Technologies, Innovations, Investment |
26.09 28.09.2007 |
Museum "Role of History in Life and Business" (Ekaterinburg) Unique Project |
18.09 21.09.2007 |
Esenin's Russia - 2007 (Ryazan) 4th Interregional Exhibition-Fair of Consumer Goods |
18.09 21.09.2007 |
Master "Able Fingers" - 2007 (Ryazan) Exhibition of Items of National - Art Crafts |
06.09 09.09.2007 |
Tourism, Sport and Entertainment - 2007 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
18.08 26.08.2007 |
Museum "Role of History in Life and Business" (Moscow) Unique Project |
19.07 21.07.2007 |
Wedding Waltz - 2007 (Kirov) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
12.07 14.07.2007 |
Industrial Ural - 2007 (Kamensk-Uralsky) 4th Interregional Industrial Exhibition-Fair |
04.07 06.07.2007 |
International Forum of Exhibition Industry - 5pEXPO - 2007 (Moscow) Forum |
Press release |
26.06 29.06.2007 |
Museum "Role of History in Life and Business" (Moscow) Unique Project |
19.06 22.06.2007 |
Science of Ural. Innovations - 2007 (Ekaterinburg) Specialized Exhibition |
19.06 22.06.2007 |
National Projects of Ekaterinburg - 2007 (Ekaterinburg) Scientific and Industrial Exhibition |
13.06 15.06.2007 |
Museum "Role of History in Life and Business" (Moscow) Unique Project |
05.06 08.06.2007 |
BioTopExpo - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd International Specialized Exhibition. Equipment and Technologies for Production and Utilization of Biofuel |
Press release |
29.05 01.06.2007 |
Museum "Role of History in Life and Business" (Moscow) Unique Project |
28.05 01.06.2007 |
International Conference on Nuclear Safety - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg) 8th International Conference on Nuclear Safety |
16.05 19.05.2007 |
Eros Moscow - 2007 (Moscow) 6th International Exhibition. Style. Beauty. Health |
15.05 17.05.2007 |
Education. Career. Business - 2007 (Rostov-on-Don) Don Annual Educational Festival |
Online catalog |
15.05 19.05.2007 |
Mobile Museum "Role of History in Life and Business" (Moscow) Unique Project |
10.05 12.05.2007 |
Child World - 2007 (Volgograd) 1st Interregional Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Services for Children and Parents |
10.05 12.05.2007 |
Wedding Waltz - 2007 (Volgograd) 1st Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
24.04 28.04.2007 |
World of Music and Light - 2007 (Krasnoyarsk) Specialized Exhibition |
24.04 28.04.2007 |
Russian Educational Forum - 2007 (Moscow) Educational Forum |
Online catalog |
24.04 28.04.2007 |
Information Technologies / Edu-Infotech - 2007 (Moscow) 6th International Specialized Exhibition of Information-Program Technologies, Training Means and Equipment |
24.04 28.04.2007 |
Edu-Tour - 2007 (Moscow) 4th International Specialized Exhibition of Centers of Children's and Family Leisure, Tourist Organizations, Programs: "Leisure+Education" |
24.04 28.04.2007 |
Profi / Edu-Prof - 2007 (Moscow) 3rd International Specialized Exhibition of Educational Institutions |
24.04 28.04.2007 |
Edu-Sport and Leisure - 2007 (Moscow) 4th International Specialized Exhibition of Sports Organizations, Suppliers and Manufacturers of Sports Facilities, Trainers, Sportswear and Equipment for Sheltered and Open Athletic Fields |