Date | Title, short description | |
24.05 26.05.2017 |
Medima Krasnodar - 2017 (Krasnodar) 16th International Exhibition |
25.04 27.04.2017 |
KubanExpoProduct - 2017 (Krasnodar) Exhibition of Food and Beverage Manufacturers of Krasnodar Territory |
25.04 27.04.2017 |
Interfood Krasnodar - 2017 (Krasnodar) Exhibition for Food Products, Drinks and Equipment for Food Industry |
25.04 27.04.2017 |
Vinorus - 2017 (Krasnodar) Exhibition of Wines and Alcoholic Beverages |
25.04 27.04.2017 |
FoodTech Krasnodar - 2017 (Krasnodar) Exhibition of Equipment, Materials and Ingredients for Food and Beverages |
18.04 20.04.2017 |
BreakBulk Russia - 2017 (Moscow) 2nd Exhibition Services for the Transportation of Project and Oversized Cargo |
18.04 20.04.2017 |
TransRussia / TransLogistica - 2017 (Moscow) 22nd International Exhibition and Conference on Freight Traffic, Transportation and Logistics |
11.04 13.04.2017 |
Analitika Expo - 2017 (Moscow) 15th International Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment and Chemicals |
Online catalog |
04.04 07.04.2017 |
MosBuild - 2017 (Moscow) 23rd Exhibition of Building and Finishing Materials |
29.03 01.04.2017 |
UMIDS - 2017 (Krasnodar) International Exhibition of Furniture, Materials, Components and Equipment for Furniture Production and Woodworking |
Press release |
29.03 01.04.2017 |
Indecor Krasnodar - 2017 (Krasnodar) 2nd Exhibition of Objects and Interior Decoration |
21.03 23.03.2017 |
Cabex - 2017 (Moscow) 16th International Exhibition of Cables and Wires |
21.03 24.03.2017 |
MIPS / Securika - 2017 (Moscow) 23rd Moscow International Exhibition "Protection, Security and Fire Safety" |
21.03 23.03.2017 |
Eltra - 2017 (Moscow) Exhibition of Electrical Equipment for Networks and Substations |
14.03 16.03.2017 |
MITT - 2017 (Moscow) 24th Moscow International Exhibition "Travels and Tourism" |
09.03 12.03.2017 |
Country House Spring/ Holzhaus Spring- 2017 (Moscow) 26th Exhibition of Country Houses, Engineering Systems and Materials |
28.02 03.03.2017 |
Securika Krasnodar - 2017 (Krasnodar) Exhibition of Security and Fire Protection Equipment and Products |
Press release |
28.02 03.03.2017 |
Dairy and Meat Industry - 2017 (Moscow) 15th International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Livestock Farming, Dairy and Meat Production |
28.02 03.03.2017 |
YugBuild / WorldBuild Krasnodar - 2017 (Krasnodar) International Exhibition of Building and Finish Materials, Engineering Equipment, Construction Machinery and Architectural Design |
Online catalog Press release |
28.02 02.03.2017 |
FoodService Moscow - 2017 (Moscow) Exhibition of Equipment, Products and Services for Restaurants, Cafes and Bakeries |
22.11 25.11.2016 |
Pharmtech & Ingredients - 2016 (Moscow) 18th International Exhibition "Equipment, Raw Materials and Technologies for Pharmaceutical Production" |
25.10 27.10.2016 |
FastTec - 2016 (Moscow) 14th International Trade Exhibition of Fasteners |
25.10 27.10.2016 |
PCVExpo - 2016 (Moscow) 15th International Exhibition for Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Actuators and Engines |
Online catalog |
25.10 27.10.2016 |
Testing & Control - 2016 (Moscow) 13th International Exhibition of Testing and Measuring Equipment Aerospace Testing & Industrial Control |
25.10 27.10.2016 |
Heat&Power - 2016 (Moscow) International Exhibition of Industrial Boiler, Heat Transfer Equipment and Stand-alone Power Supply Systems |
Press release |
25.10 27.10.2016 |
Mashex - 2016 (Moscow) 19th International Exhibition of Equipment for Metal Shapes, Pipes, Sheet Metal Working and Metal Products Manufacturing |
20.10 23.10.2016 |
Country House Autumn/ Holzhaus Autumn - 2016 (Moscow) 25th Exhibition of Country Houses, Engineering Systems and Materials |
14.06 17.06.2016 |
RosUpack - 2016 (Moscow) 21st International Exhibition of the Packaging Industry |
14.06 17.06.2016 |
Printech - 2016 (Moscow) International Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies and Materials for Printing and AdvertiSing Production |
19.04 22.04.2016 |
TransRussia - 2016 (Moscow) 21st International Exhibition of Transport and Logistics Services and Technologies |
12.04 14.04.2016 |
VacuumTechExpo - 2016 (Moscow) 11th International Exhibition of Vacuum Equipment, Materials and Technologies |
12.04 14.04.2016 |
Analitika Expo - 2016 (Moscow) 14th International Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment and Chemicals |
05.04 08.04.2016 |
MosBuild - 2016 (Moscow) 22nd Exhibition of Building and Finishing Materials |
Press release |
23.03 26.03.2016 |
MITT - 2016 (Moscow) 23rd Moscow International Exhibition "Travels and Tourism" |
01.03 03.03.2016 |
IFFF Moscow - 2016 (Moscow) Exhibition of Equipment, Supplies and Services for Restaurants, Cafes and Bakeries |
01.03 04.03.2016 |
Dairy and Meat Industry - 2016 (Moscow) 14th International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Livestock Farming, Dairy and Meat Production |
01.03 04.03.2016 |
Ingredients Russia - 2016 (Moscow) 19th International Exhibition of Food Ingredients, Additives and Flavourings |
24.11 27.11.2015 |
Pharmtech & Ingredients - 2015 (Moscow) 17th International Exhibition "Equipment, Raw Materials and Technologies for Pharmaceutical Production" |
27.10 30.10.2015 |
PCVExpo - 2015 (Moscow) 14th International Exhibition for Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Actuators and Engines |
27.10 29.10.2015 |
Aerospace Testing & Industrial Control - 2015 (Moscow) 12th International Exhibition of Testing and Measuring Equipment Aerospace Testing & Industrial Control |
27.10 29.10.2015 |
WASMA - 2015 (Moscow) 12th International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Water Treatment and Waste Management |
27.10 30.10.2015 |
Mashex - 2015 (Moscow) 18th International Exhibition of Equipment for Metal Shapes, Pipes, Sheet Metal Working and Metal Products Manufacturing |
14.10 17.10.2015 |
HOMI Russia - 2015 (Moscow) 2nd International Exhibition of Interior, Decorations and Gifts |
13.10 15.10.2015 |
CityExpo - 2015 (Moscow) 8th International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for City Building, Housing and Utilities |
13.10 15.10.2015 |
Geoform+ 2015 (Moscow) 12th International Exhibition of Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics |
13.10 15.10.2015 |
GasSUF - 2015 (Moscow) 13th International Exhibition "Gas at Transport" |
06.10 08.10.2015 |
FastTec - 2015 (Moscow) 13th International Trade Exhibition of Fasteners |
06.10 09.10.2015 |
Weldex / Rossvarka - 2015 (Moscow) 15th International Specialized Exhibition of Welding Materials, Equipment and Technologies |
22.09 25.09.2015 |
CeMAT Russia - 2015 (Moscow) 6th International Exhibition for Materials Handling, Warehousing Equipment and Logistics |
16.06 19.06.2015 |
Printech - 2015 (Moscow) International Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies and Materials for Printing and AdvertiSing Production |