Date | Title, short description | |
29.03 01.04.2006 |
DalChemPlast - 2006 (Khabarovsk) 1st Diversified Exhibition |
Press release |
29.03 01.04.2006 |
Far-East region power engineering - 2006. Transportation, economy, alternative (Khabarovsk) 5th Specialized Interregional Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Power Supply Complex |
Press release |
02.03 05.03.2006 |
My garden is my treasure - 2006 (Khabarovsk) 7th Specialized Exhibition |
02.03 05.03.2006 |
Textile and Fashion - 2006 (Khabarovsk) The 4th Specialized exhibition |
02.03 05.03.2006 |
Spring Gifts - 2006 (Khabarovsk) 7th Universal Exhibition |
22.12 25.12.2005 |
New Year gifts - 2006 (Khabarovsk) Universal Exhibition-Fair |
27.10 30.10.2005 |
DahlPischeProm - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
12.10 15.10.2005 |
PromTechnoExpo - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Interregional Specialized exhibition |
12.10 15.10.2005 |
Timber and Woodworking - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
12.10 15.10.2005 |
Transport of the Far East region - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
28.09 01.10.2005 |
The Interregional Priamurskaya (Amur River - side) Trade and Industrial Fair - 2005 (Khabarovsk) 7th Universal Exhibition-Fair |
15.09 17.09.2005 |
Printing industry. Design. Advertising - 2005 (Khabarovsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition |
15.09 17.09.2005 |
DahlVEKHOM - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
08.09 11.09.2005 |
Indian summer (Women's summer) - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Exhibition-fair |
08.09 11.09.2005 |
Small and medium business - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Specialized exhibition of production and services of small enterprises and entrepreneurs |
08.09 11.09.2005 |
Medicine world - 2005. Health, beauty, sport, entertainment (Khabarovsk) Universal exhibition |
26.05 29.05.2005 |
Architecture, Building industry of the Far East region - 2005 (Khabarovsk) 9th Specialized Exhibition of Building Structures, Heat Saving Technologies, Decoration Materials |
26.05 29.05.2005 |
Town. Ecology - 2005 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition of town infrastructure, technologies, machinery and equipment for local public utilities; investments, insurance, realty transactions |
21.04 24.04.2005 |
DahlExpoMebel - 2005 (Khabarovsk) 4th Specialized Fair of Furniture, Accessories, Componentry, Upholstery Materials and Accessories for Furniture Production, Woodworking Equipment and Technology |
21.04 24.04.2005 |
Interior. Design. House. Office - 2005 (Khabarovsk) The 2nd specialized exhibition of design techniques, construction engineering, interiors of dwelling-houses and public structures. Decoration. Light and textile in modern interior. Computer designing. |
31.03 02.04.2005 |
Far-East region power engineering - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
03.03 06.03.2005 |
My garden is my treasure - 2005 (Khabarovsk) 6th Specialized Exhibition |
03.03 06.03.2005 |
Textile and Fashion - 2005 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition |
03.03 06.03.2005 |
Spring Gifts - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Universal Exhibition |
23.12 26.12.2004 |
New Year gift - 2005 (Khabarovsk) Universal Exhibition-Fair |
18.11 21.11.2004 |
DalInterMed, health, beauty - 2004 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition |
28.10 30.10.2004 |
Promtechexpo DV Region - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Interregional specialized exhibition |
14.10 17.10.2004 |
DahlPischeProm - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
14.10 17.10.2004 |
KhabProdMarket - 2004 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition |
23.09 26.09.2004 |
The Interregional Priamurskaya (Amur River- side) Trade and Industrial Fair - 2004 (Khabarovsk) 6th Specialized Exhibition |
09.09 12.09.2004 |
Indian summer (Women's summer) - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Exhibition-fair |
09.09 12.09.2004 |
Printing industry. Design. Advertising - 2004 (Khabarovsk) 7th Specialized Exhibition |
09.09 12.09.2004 |
Small and medium business - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
27.05 30.05.2004 |
Architecture, buildindustry of Far East region - 2004 (Khabarovsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition |
27.05 30.05.2004 |
City. Ecology - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Universal Exhibition |
22.04 25.04.2004 |
DalExpoFurniture - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
22.04 25.04.2004 |
Interior. Design. House. Office - 2004 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition. |
22.04 25.04.2004 |
DalVECOM - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
26.02 29.02.2004 |
My garden - my riches - 2004 (Khabarovsk) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
26.02 29.02.2004 |
Textile and Fashion - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
26.02 29.02.2004 |
Spring Gift - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Universal Exhibition |
18.12 21.12.2003 |
New Year gift - 2004 (Khabarovsk) Universal Exhibition-Fair |
16.10 19.10.2003 |
Show-Window - 2003 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition of the Trade Equipment |
16.10 19.10.2003 |
KhabProdMarket - 2003 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition. |
02.10 05.10.2003 |
DalTourExpo - 2003 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition. |
02.10 05.10.2003 |
World of Entertainments - 2003 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition |
02.10 05.10.2003 |
Tourism - Sports - Health - 2003 (Khabarovsk) The specialized exhibition |
25.09 28.09.2003 |
Commercial and Industrial Fair - 2003 (Khabarovsk) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
04.09 07.09.2003 |
Woman Sumer - 2003 (Khabarovsk) Exhibition-fair |
04.09 07.09.2003 |
Polygraphy. Design. Advertising - 2003 (Khabarovsk) 6th Specialized Exhibition |