Date | Title, short description | |
28.05 31.05.2003 |
Siberian hunt - 2003 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
21.05 24.05.2003 |
Construction industry: New technologies - 2003 (Irkutsk) The specialized exhibition with international participation. |
13.05 16.05.2003 |
Construction industry: Your private house - 2003 (Irkutsk) The specialized exhibition with international participation. |
22.04 25.04.2003 |
Transport and roads of Siberia. Siberian car-salon - 2003 (Irkutsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition of Transport, Automobiles, Engineering and Equipment, Transport Services |
08.04 11.04.2003 |
Sibvesna (Siberian spring) - 2003 (Irkutsk) Universal Trade Fair of Consumer Goods |
18.03 21.03.2003 |
Packing. Label. The trade equipment - 2003 (Irkutsk) 5th Specialized Exhibition with International Participation |
18.03 21.03.2003 |
Sibprodovolstvie - 2003 (Siberian food products) (Irkutsk) 9th Specialized Exhibition with International Participation of Consumer Goods, Equipment for Food Industry, and Food Processing Technologies |
27.02 01.03.2003 |
International travel fair "Baikaltour-2003" (Irkutsk) 8th International Tourism Exhibition-Exchange for Transport, Insurance, and Informational Services of Travel Agencies and Operators, Hotels, Sanatoriums, Resorts, and Tourist Centers. Equipment for Sports, Tourism, and Entertainment. Ecological Tourism |
18.02 21.02.2003 |
SibInfoCom. Systems of safety - 2002 (Irkutsk) International Exhibition. |
05.02 07.02.2003 |
Innovation for economy - 2003 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
11.12 14.12.2002 |
Furniture Salon. Interior - 2002 (Irkutsk) 3rd Specialized Exhibition |
11.12 14.12.2002 |
Interior. Design: Your private house - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition. |
03.12 06.12.2002 |
Hospitality business - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition of services, equipment, supplies and relevant goods for catering, hotel, and restaurants. |
19.11 22.11.2002 |
Market of securities, investments, bank and insurance services - 2002 (Irkutsk) The 5-th Specialized Exhibition of securities, investment projects, bank and insurance services. |
19.11 22.11.2002 |
Small-scale business. Folk arts and handicrafts - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
12.11 15.11.2002 |
Urozhai (Harvest) - 2002 (Irkutsk) VII specialized exhibition |
29.10 01.11.2002 |
Wood processing. Equipment - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition. |
29.10 01.11.2002 |
Siblesopolzovanie - 2002 (Forest Utilization in Siberia) (Irkutsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition of Wood-processing Equipment and Machinery, as well as Forest Management Technologies |
22.10 25.10.2002 |
Sibzdravookhranenie - 2002 (Health service in Siberia) (Irkutsk) 9th Specialized Exhibition of Medicine, Medical Equipment, Services and Pharmaceuticals |
10.10 13.10.2002 |
Land of Irkutsk - 2002 (Irkutsk) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
01.10 04.10.2002 |
Energy saving: Technologies. Devices. Equipment - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
17.09 20.09.2002 |
XII Irkutsk international fair - 2002 (Irkutsk) Universal Trade Fair |
17.09 20.09.2002 |
Investments, construction industry - 2002 (Irkutsk) Baikal fair. |
17.09 20.09.2002 |
BaikalBuild - 2002 (Irkutsk) The 1-st specialized exhibition |
16.09 20.09.2002 |
Baikal economic forum - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
24.08 24.08.2002 |
Garden. Market garden. Dacha - 2002 (Irkutsk) 2nd Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
25.06 28.06.2002 |
Beverages - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition of alcoholic drinks and beverages, as well as equipment for beverage production. |
25.06 28.06.2002 |
The baikal festival "Russian beer" - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition and Festival of beer, beverages, brewing industry equipment and materials. Gustation competition. |
04.06 07.06.2002 |
Advertising. Designing press. Printing arts - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition of advertising and printing services, equipment, and materials, as well as personal paintings, architectural designs, and interior projects. |
21.05 24.05.2002 |
Construction industry: Your private house - 2002 (Irkutsk) The specialized exhibition with international participation of construction technologies, equipment, materials, goods, engineering facilities, interiors, and design services. |
23.04 26.04.2002 |
The transport of siberia - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition of transport, transport equipment, goods, accessories, and services |
23.04 26.04.2002 |
Siberian car-salon - 2002 (Irkutsk) 7th Specialized Exhibition |
09.04 12.04.2002 |
Sport. Rest - 2002 (Irkutsk) The specialized exhibition and fair for equipment, furnishings, supplies, and services for the sport industry, as well as tourist vouchers, resort, boarding house, and sanatorium services. |
09.04 12.04.2002 |
Industry of entertainment - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized exhibition. |
26.03 29.03.2002 |
Baikal fur and coat auction - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized exhibition. |
19.03 22.03.2002 |
Shop equipment - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized exhibition. |
19.03 22.03.2002 |
Packaging. Labels - 2002 (Irkutsk) 4th Specialized Exhibition of Packaging, Wrapping, Labels, as well as Technologies, Equipment, and Materials for Label Production |
19.03 22.03.2002 |
Sibprodovolstvie - 2002 (Siberian food products) (Irkutsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition with International Participation of Consumer Goods, Equipment for Food Industry, and Food Processing Technologies |
26.02 01.03.2002 |
Women's initiatives and business activities - 2002 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition with International Participation of consumer goods, equipment for food industry, and food processing technologies |
26.02 01.03.2002 |
Sibvesna (Siberian spring) - 2002 (Irkutsk) Universal Trade Fair of Consumer Goods |
19.02 22.02.2002 |
Information technologies. Office equipment. Safety facilities - 2002 (Irkutsk) International Exhibition. |
05.02 07.02.2002 |
Science, Education - 2002 (Irkutsk) 9th Specialized Exhibition of Advanced Technologies, Educational Programs and Services |
05.02 07.02.2002 |
New technologies, innovation projects - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
19.12 22.12.2001 |
Hospitality business - 2001 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition of services, equipment, supplies and relevant goods for catering, hotel, and restaurants. |
19.12 22.12.2001 |
Beverages - 2001 (Irkutsk) The Specialized Exhibition of alcoholic drinks and beverages, as well as equipment for beverage production. |
12.12 15.12.2001 |
Furniture salon, Interior - 2001 (Irkutsk) 2nd Specialized Exhibition of Furniture, Finish Hardware, Equipment and Materials for Furniture Production, as well as Relevant Goods |
04.12 07.12.2001 |
International travel fair "Baikaltour-2001" (Irkutsk) 7th International Tourism Exhibition-Exchange for Transport, Insurance, and Informational Services of Travel agencies and Operators, Hotels, Sanatoriums, Resorts, and Tourist Centers. Equipment for Sports, Tourism, and Entertainment. Ecological Tourism |
27.11 30.11.2001 |
Accounting. Audit. - 2001 (Irkutsk) The 2-nd Specialized Exhibition and Seminar of accounting and audit services. |
27.11 30.11.2001 |
Market of securities, investments, bank and insurance services - 2001 (Irkutsk) The 4-th Specialized Exhibition of securities, investment projects, bank and insurance services. |