Date | Title, short description | |
15.09 17.09.2010 |
Construction - 2010 (Vladivostok) 18th Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
01.07 03.07.2010 |
Medpharmexpo - 2010 (Vladivostok) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
01.07 03.07.2010 |
VladExpo - 2010 (Vladivostok) International Exhibition-Fair of Goods, Services and Investments |
01.07 03.07.2010 |
Expobeauty - 2010 (Vladivostok) Exhibition of Modern Technologies and Products for Rejuvenation, Health and Beauty |
21.04 23.04.2010 |
City - 2010 (Vladivostok) 17th Building Exhibition |
Online catalog |
14.04 16.04.2010 |
Labels. Packaging. Warehouse. Shop - 2010 (Vladivostok) 7th Specialized Exhibition |
14.04 16.04.2010 |
DalAgro. Food Products - 2010 (Vladivostok) 14th Specialized Exhibition-Sale |
Online catalog |
13.10 15.10.2009 |
Food Products of Primorsky Territory - 2009 (Vladivostok) 12th Industrial Exhibition |
06.10 08.10.2009 |
Housing & Utilities Expo - 2009 (Vladivostok) 3rd Specialized Exhibition of Housing and Public Utilities |
06.10 08.10.2009 |
Transport - 2009 (Vladivostok) 16th Specialized Exhibition |
06.10 08.10.2009 |
Power Engineering. Electrical Engineering - 2009 (Vladivostok) 16th Specialized Exhibition |
06.10 08.10.2009 |
Security - 2009 (Vladivostok) 10th Specialized Exhibition |
22.09 24.09.2009 |
Medicine. Pharmacology - 2009 (Vladivostok) 4th Specialized Exhibition |
22.09 24.09.2009 |
Beauty Secrets Expo - 2009 (Vladivostok) 2nd Exhibition for Advanced Health, Beauty and Rejuvenation Solutions |
16.09 18.09.2009 |
Construction - 2009 (Vladivostok) 17th Specialized Exhibition |
20.05 22.05.2009 |
City - 2009 (Vladivostok) 16th Building Exhibition |
22.04 24.04.2009 |
Label. Packaging. Warehouse. Shop - 2009 (Vladivostok) 6th Specialized Exhibition |
22.04 24.04.2009 |
Dalagro. Food Products - 2009 (Vladivostok) 13th Specializad Exhibition |
07.10 09.10.2008 |
Housing & Utilities Expo - 2008 (Vladivostok) Interregional Exhibition of Housing and Public Utilities |
07.10 09.10.2008 |
Energy. Electrical Engineering - 2008 (Vladivostok) 15th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
01.10 03.10.2008 |
Label. Packing. Warehouse. Shop - 2008 (Vladivostok) 5th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
01.10 03.10.2008 |
Seaside Foodstuff - 2008 (Vladivostok) 11th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
23.09 25.09.2008 |
Medicine. Pharmacology - 2008 (Vladivostok) 3rd Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
23.09 25.09.2008 |
Secret of Beauty - 2008 (Vladivostok) Exhibition Modern Technologies, Methods and Means for Health and Beauty |
17.09 19.09.2008 |
Building - 2008 (Vladivostok) 16th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
03.09 05.09.2008 |
Fishery Development Prospects - 2008 (Vladivostok) 5th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
25.06 27.06.2008 |
Communication - 2008 (Vladivostok) 6th Specialized Exhibition-Fair of Communication Systems, Telecommunication and Information Technologies |
25.06 27.06.2008 |
Transport - 2008 (Vladivostok) 14th Specializad Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
25.06 27.06.2008 |
Safety - 2008 (Vladivostok) 9th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
14.05 16.05.2008 |
City - 2008 (Vladivostok) 14th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
24.04 26.04.2008 |
DalAgro. Food - 2008 (Vladivostok) 12th Interregional Exhibition-Fair with International Participation |
Online catalog |
09.10 11.10.2007 |
Housing & Utilities Expo - 2007 (Vladivostok) Interregional Exhibition of Housing and Public Utilities |
09.10 11.10.2007 |
Small-Scale Business. Business Partnership - 2007 (Vladivostok) 12th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
09.10 11.10.2007 |
Energy. Electrical Engineering - 2007 (Vladivostok) 13th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
03.10 05.10.2007 |
Seaside Foodstuff - 2007 (Vladivostok) 10th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
25.09 27.09.2007 |
Medicine. Pharmacology - 2007 (Vladivostok) 2nd Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
25.09 27.09.2007 |
VladExpo - 2007 (Vladivostok) 5th International Exhibition-Fair |
19.09 21.09.2007 |
Building - 2007 (Vladivostok) 15th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
13.09 14.09.2007 |
Development Prospects of Fishery - 2007 (Vladivostok) International Exhibition |
29.08 31.08.2007 |
Forestry & Wood Expo - 2007 (Vladivostok) International Exhibition of Forestry and Woodworking |
28.06 30.06.2007 |
Communication - 2007 (Vladivostok) 5th Communication, Telecommunication and Information Technologies Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
28.06 30.06.2007 |
Transport - 2007 (Vladivostok) 13th Specializad Exhibition-Fair |
28.06 30.06.2007 |
Safety - 2007 (Vladivostok) 8th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
16.05 18.05.2007 |
City - 2007 (Vladivostok) 13th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Press release |
04.04 06.04.2007 |
Warehouse. Shop - 2007 (Vladivostok) 4th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
04.04 06.04.2007 |
Label. Packing - 2007 (Vladivostok) 4th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
04.04 06.04.2007 |
Foodstuff - 2007 (Vladivostok) 11th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
15.11 17.11.2006 |
Communication - 2006 (Vladivostok) The 4th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
15.11 17.11.2006 |
Small-Scale Business. Business Partnership - 2006 (Vladivostok) 11th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
15.11 17.11.2006 |
Safety - 2006 (Vladivostok) The 7th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |