Date | Title, short description | |
21.02 25.02.2018 |
JewellerEXPO - 2018 (Volgograd) 25th All-Russia Specialized Exhibition |
08.02 09.02.2018 |
Volgograd AGROFORUM - 2018 (Volgograd) Specialized Forum |
20.12 24.12.2017 |
New Year's Bazaar - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Universal Exhibition |
20.12 24.12.2017 |
Tasty World - 2017 (Volgograd) Christmas Exhibition of Food Products |
06.12 10.12.2017 |
JewellerEXPO - 2017 (Volgograd) 24th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
30.11 03.12.2017 |
FASHION GOODS. Winter - 2017 (Volgograd) Exhibition and Sale |
18.11 26.11.2017 |
Praise Christmas - 2017 (Volgograd) 15th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
09.11 11.11.2017 |
"Beauty on Volga" Festival - 2017 (Volgograd) 21st All-Russia Exhibition of Cosmetics, Perfumery and Equipment for Beauty Salons |
02.11 03.11.2017 |
VolgogradAGRO - 2017 (Volgograd) 31st All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
11.10 15.10.2017 |
FASHION GOODS. Autumn. Festival "Wonderland" - 2017 (Volgograd) Exhibition and Sale |
04.10 06.10.2017 |
Volga Dental Summit - 2017 (Volgograd) Scientific and Practical All-Russian Forum Dentistry |
28.09 01.10.2017 |
My Beast - 2017 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition |
28.09 01.10.2017 |
Blades of Russia - 2017 (Volgograd) 6th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
28.09 01.10.2017 |
Tourist. Hunter. Fisher - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russia Specialized Exhibition |
20.09 22.09.2017 |
StroyExpo. Housing and Public Utilities - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
20.09 22.09.2017 |
PromEXPO - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
13.09 15.09.2017 |
Volga Pharma Summit. MedFarma. Volgograd - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Exhibition-Forum |
06.09 10.09.2017 |
Fashion Product - 2017 (Volgograd) Exhibition and Sale |
05.09 10.09.2017 |
Glorify the God's Name - 2017 (Moscow) 2rd Orthodox Exhibition-Fair |
27.07 28.07.2017 |
Field Day "VolgogradAGRO" - 2017 (Volgograd) 8th Demonstration of Agricultural Equipment in the Field Environment |
25.05 27.05.2017 |
"Beauty on Volga" Festival - 2017 (Volgograd) 20th All-Russia Exhibition of Cosmetics, Perfumery and Equipment for Beauty Salons |
25.05 28.05.2017 |
Jewellery SPRING - 2017 (Volgograd) 8th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
25.04 27.04.2017 |
Electro - 2017. Energy Saving (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
19.04 22.04.2017 |
Building Engineering. SpetsAutoTransport - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
19.04 22.04.2017 |
StroyEXPO - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
13.04 16.04.2017 |
Blades of Russia - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
13.04 16.04.2017 |
Tourist. Hunter. Fisher - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russia Specialized Exhibition |
04.04 09.04.2017 |
Festival "Wonderland" - 2017 (Volgograd) 9th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
04.04 09.04.2017 |
Fashion Product - 2017 (Volgograd) 42nd All-Russia Exhibition of Textile and Light Industry |
29.03 02.04.2017 |
Orthodox Uryupinsk - 2017 (Uryupinsk) Orthodox Exhibition |
29.03 31.03.2017 |
Lower Volga Dental Forum. "Dental-Expo. Volgograd" - 2017 (Volgograd) 16th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
17.03 25.03.2017 |
Orthodox Tsaritsyn - Glorify the God's Name! - 2017 (Volgograd) Orthodox Exhibition |
10.03 14.03.2017 |
Kamyshin Orthodox - 2017 (Volgograd) Orthodox Exhibition |
28.02 05.03.2017 |
Summer Cottage. Flower and Vegetable Garden. Farmstead - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
28.02 05.03.2017 |
Fashion Product - 2017 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
22.02 26.02.2017 |
JewellerEXPO - 2017 (Volgograd) 23rd All-Russia Specialized Exhibition |
09.02 10.02.2017 |
Agroforum "Volgograd Farmer" - 2017 (Volgograd) Specialized Forum |
22.12 25.12.2016 |
New Year's Bazaar - 2016 (Volgograd) All-Russian Universal Exhibition |
07.12 11.12.2016 |
JewellerEXPO - 2016 (Volgograd) 22nd All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
30.11 04.12.2016 |
Fashion Goods. New Year - 2016 (Volgograd) Exhibition and Sale |
12.11 20.11.2016 |
Orthodox Tsaritsyn - Glorify the God's Name! - 2016 (Volgograd) 13th Orthodox Exhibition |
03.11 05.11.2016 |
"Beauty on Volga" Festival - 2016 (Volgograd) 19th All-Russia Exhibition of Cosmetics, Perfumery and Equipment for Beauty Salons |
27.10 28.10.2016 |
3rd Volgograd Interregional Technical Agroforum. VolgogradAGRO - 2016 (Volgograd) All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
12.10 16.10.2016 |
Festival "Wonderland" - 2016 (Volgograd) 8th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
12.10 16.10.2016 |
Fashion Goods - 2016 (Volgograd) Exhibition and Sale |
06.10 07.10.2016 |
Volga Dental Summit - 2016 (Volgograd) Scientific and Practical All-Russian Forum Dentistry |
22.09 25.09.2016 |
Blades of Russia - 2016 (Volgograd) 4th All-Russian Specialized Exhibition |
22.09 25.09.2016 |
Tourist. Hunter. Fisher - 2016 (Volgograd) All-Russia Specialized Exhibition |
14.09 16.09.2016 |
MedFarma. Volgograd - 2016 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition |
08.09 11.09.2016 |
Fashion Product - 2016 (Volgograd) Exhibition and Sale |