ПромтехЭКСПО - 2025
Продукты питания - 2025
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[адрес] Россия, 113303, Москва, Балаклавский пр., 33
[телефон] (095) 3182277
[телефон] (095) 3182211
[факс] (095) 3181711

Верховая езда. Занятия в группах и индивидуальные. Манеж. Аренда денников. Продажа лошадей. Конкур. Выездка. Катание на экипажах. Маршруты в лес. Программы выходного дня. Туристическая фирма "БИТЦА". Бассейн. Сауна. Зал легкой атлетики. Теннисные корты. Тир. Поля для конкура и выездки. Оздоровительные группы. Гостиница. Соревнования. Выступления. Конференции. Лекции и семинары. Праздники. Организация банкетов. Аренда помещений. Камера хранения инвентаря. Выдача инвентаря. Магазин "Всё для лошади и всадника". Кафе, ресторан и многое другое. Для постоянных клиентов действует гибкая система скидок.
Bitsa Equestrian Complex offers: horse-riding; individual and group riding lessons; indoor riding-school; lease of horse-boxes; horse sales; show-jumping; dressage. Bitsa equestrian sports complex has celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2000, Built in 1980 - for the Olympic Games in Moscow - it is by its potentialities one of the largest equestrian sports complex worldwide and is by right called - "Bitsa -equestrian capital". Complex consists of a showjumping (concours) stadium with 14000 spectator seats and 2 warming-up fields with sand and grass surfacing, a stadium with 2000 spectator seats for competitions in dressage and the largest in Europe riding house for 2000 spectators. Equestrian complex contains 5 winter and 3 summer stables able to accomodate 364 horses, There is also a twenty-four-hour veterinary service. Bitsa complex includes a steeplechase circuit, 6 training fields for dressage and showjumping, courses for field competitions, equestrian triathlon and athletic race. Bitsa also has a sports-hotel complex comprising of a hotel for 150 guests, 25 sq. m swimming pool. gym, shooting-gallery, two saunas and 6 summer tennis courts with artificial lighting. Bitsa equestrian sports complex hosts specialized children school of Olympic reserve training more than 300 young sportsmen and more than 10 years there operates a pony-club Bitsa for the youngest lovers of equestrian sports, Everybody who wish to go in for equestrian sports as well as all lovers of active leisure are welcome to Bitsa. Bitsa allows ail you need for it.

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