Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Server News

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with the company "Gifts Expo" ltd. (Moscow), our portal contains the information about exhibition "Gifts. Autumn - 2009" and about 5 salons, held as part of this project, scheduled for September 22 - 25, 2009. More info...

The new partner of EXPONET.RU project is "Expo-Service" ltd. (Moscow). The information about exhibition "MosExpoDental - 2009" is put on line. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with FVC "Business-ART" (Rostov-on-Don town), our portal contains information about 14th International Wholesale and Retail Jewelry Exhibition "Exclusive - 2009". More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with the company SHOESACCESS (Moscow), our portal contains the information about exhibitions "SHOESACCESS - 2009", which are going to be held in 2009 from 15th-18th September, and from 29th September to 2nd October. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with MIDEXPO company (Moscow), our portal contain information about exhibitions "HI-Tech Building - 2009", "Integrated Systems Russia - 2009", which are going to be held from 8th-10th December, 2009. More info...

EXPONET.RU started cooperation with "MEGA TECHNOLOGIES" company (Moscow), our portal contains the information about the 1st International Conference of Technologies in industrial diagnostics "MEGATECH - 2009", which is going to be held from 25th-29th Sep More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with the company "Imperia" (Saint Petersburg), our portal contains information about exhibitions "PeterFOOD - 2009", "Trade of the Big City - 2009", which are going to be held in November of 2009. More info...

EXPONET.RU contains information about exhibitions EMBIZ - 2009, Interlight - 2009, which are organized in association by the companies Ost-West-Partner GmbH and "OVK-RUS" ltd. (Moscow). More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with the company VK Expostroi na Nakhimovskom (Moscow), our portal contains the information about exhibition "Expostone - 2009", which is going to be held in June, 2009. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with International Exhibition Center "ITE Siberian Fair" (Novosibirsk), our portal contains the information about exhibitions, scheduled for 2010. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Yugorsk contracts (Surgut), the information about exhibitions, which would take place in 2009, is placed on our web portal. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with KomiEXPO" Ltd. (Syktivkar), the information about exhibitions, which would take place in 2009, is placed on our web portal. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "ExpoProfi-Ivanovo" jsc (Ivanovo), the information about exhibitions, which would take place in 2009, is placed on our web portal. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Exhibition Company "Asunta" (Minsk city), the information about exhibitions, which would take place in 2009, is placed on our web portal. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Progress" Exhibition Centre (Stavropol city), the information about exhibitions, which would take place in 2009, is placed on our web portal. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Dukon" company (Saint-Petersburg), the information about exhibitions, which would take place in 2009, is placed on our web portal. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Center of American Printing Equipment" ltd. (Moscow), our portal contains the information about Conference-Exhibition "ON DEMAND - Russia - 2009", which is going to be held from October 27th to November 3rd in Mosco More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with the company Valtex (Pyatigorsk city), our portal contains the information about exhibitions, scheduled for the year 2009. More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with the company "Exhibition Center of Kamchatka" (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski city), our portal contains the information about exhibitions, scheduled for the year 2009. More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with the company "JuRDTs" Ltd. (Rostov-on-Don city), our portal contains the information about Regional Forum-Exhibition "Government Order in Rostov Region - 2009", scheduled for April 2-3, in Rostov-on-Don. More info...
