IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Промышленно-энергетический форум TNF - 2025

Server News

Exponet.ru began cooperation with "Security Expo" ltd. (Moscow), our portal presents International Salon "ISSE. Integrated Safety and Security - 2008". More info...

Exponet.ru began cooperation with the exhibition company "Primus Exhibitions Group Ltd." (Sochi), our portal presents the congress/forum-dialogue "Steady Ecological Building - 2008". More info...

Exponet.ru began cooperation with exhibition company National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine", our portal has exhibition "Expo Business - 2008". More info...

Exponet.ru began cooperation with exhibition company "SHOESACCESS", our portal has exhibition "ShoesAccess - 2008". More info...

Exponet.ru began cooperation with exhibition company "Expopress Conferences ltd.", our portal has exhibition "Resources Saving Technologies on Railway Transport - 2008". More info...

Exponet.ru began cooperation with exhibition company JSC "Ulan-Ude Fair", our portal has exhibitions which will be held in 2008. More info...

Exponet.ru has prolonged cooperation with exhibition company "Tyumen International Fair" (Tyumen) for the year 2008, there is information placed on our Exponet.ru. More info...

Exponet.ru has begun cooperation with Exhibition Company "Sib-Info EXPO", Abakan city. More info...

Our new partner Exponet.ru - Company "ASV-Don", Rostov-na-Donu. More info...

Our new partner Exponet.ru - Company "ElistaExpo", Elista. More info...

Our new partner Exponet.ru - Company "SDM-Alliance Ltd", Moscow. More info...

There is an on-line exhibitors catalogue of the exhibition "Guards of health of a mother and child - 2007", which was held on 20 - 23th of March in Kazan, placed on our portal. More info...

Exponet.ru has on-line catalogue of exhibitors of the 9th International Exhibition-Fair of Paintings, Graphics, Sculpture and Fine and Applied Art Items "ART Perm - 2007" which was held in Perm from January 19th to 29th. More info...

There is an on-line exhibitors' catalogue of the exhibition "V Element. Advertising Market - 2007", which was held on 19 - 21th of April in Rostov-na-Donu, placed on our portal. More info...

On Exponet.ru is placed on-line catalogue of participants of the exhibition "CPS/ Cinema Production Service - 2007" which took place from Marchth 28th till 31th March in Moscow. More info...

There is an on-line exhibitors' catalogue of the exhibition "Prodtech - 2007", which was held on 2 - 5th of April in Saint-Petersburg , placed on our portal. More info...

The plan of exhibition events in year 2008 has become certain Odessa (Ukraine). More info...

On Exponet.ru is placed on-line catalogue of participants of the exhibition "Medicine, Beauty and Health - 2007" which took place from May 24th till 26th in Orenburg . More info...

There is an on-line exhibitors' catalogue of the exhibition "Sport and rest - 2007", which was held on 24 - 26th of May in Orenburg , placed on our portal. More info...

On Exponet.ru is placed on-line catalogue of participants of the exhibition "Papexpo - 2007" which took place from October 16th till 20th in Moscow . More info...
