ÇîîÁèçÝêñïî - 2025 Ïîâîëæüå
CPM - Collection Premiere Moscow - 2025

Server News

Exponet.ru started cooperation with the company "RONKTD", our portal has information about the Exhibition of Nondestructive Inspection Aids and Technologies "NDT Territory - 2017", which will be held in Moscow in March of next year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Chip-Expo", our portal has information about the International exhibition "ChipEXPO - 2017", which will be held in September of the next year in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Bashkir Exhibition Company", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Ufa in 2017. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "ITE Siberia", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Novosibirsk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "FarExpo", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in 2017 in Saint-Petersburg. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the company "ABA" Ltd, our portal has information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Mihailovsk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Bashkir Exhibition Company", our portal has information about 25th International Specialized Exhibition "Gas. Oil. Technologies - 2017", which will be held in Ufa. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "PRIMEXPO", our portal has information about International Exhibition of Equipment, Instruments and Materials for Dentistry "Stomatology Saint-Petersburg - 2017", which will be held in Saint-Petersburg. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "VolgogradEXPO", our portal has information about Russian Specialized Exhibition "Field Day "Volgograd Vegetable Grower" - 2016" which will be held in Volgograd. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the International Exhibition Center "INTERSIB",our portal has information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Omsk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "Iteca", our portal has information about 1st Kazakhstan International Beauty and Aesthetic Medicine Exhibition "Cosmobeaute Kazakhstan - 2016", which will be held in Almaty. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "ITECA Ala Too", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in 2017 in Bishkek. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with ITE Uzbekistan company, our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). More info...

Exponet.ru continued work with LLC "Soyuzpromexpo", there is our info about Specialized Exhibition "Mother and Child. Health. Education. Development - 2016" which will be held in Ekaterinburg. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "KrasnodarEXPO", our portal has information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Krasnodar. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with the company "Crimea-Yug Russia", our portal has information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Sevastopol. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "KAZEXPO" International Exhibition Complex, our portal has information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Pavlodar and Ust-Kamenogorsk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "Altai Fair", our portal has information about Specialized Exhibition "Beauty Industry - 2016", which will be held in Barnaul. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "SibExpoService", our portal has information about Interregional Universal Industrial Exhibition-Fair "Yakutia Expo - 2016", which will be held in Yakutsk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Company "EXPOCOM", our portal has information about International Tourist Exhibition "Expotravel - 2016" which will be held in Ekaterinburg. More info...
