CleanExpo Óðàë -2025

Server News

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "CABINES LTD FRANCE", our portal contains information about exhibition "Mondial Spa & Beaute - 2012" which will be held next March in Paris. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Catexpo" (Kazakhstan), our portal contains information about exhibition "Central Asia Fashion - 2011" which will be held in October of this year in Almaty. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "EuroExpo", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Moscow in 2012. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Dukon" company, our portal contains information about exhibition "Metalworking. Welding. Cutting - 2011" which will be held in October of this year in Saint-Petersburg. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with Interregional tourist association "PRIVOLZHIYE", our portal contains information about 1st Festival and Presentation "Open the Volga Region - 2011" which will be held in September in Nizhny Novgorod. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company "Images Multimedia", our portal contains information about exhibition "Food & Grocery Forum India - 2012" which will be held in Mart of the next year in Mumbai (India). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Krasnoyarsk Fair", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Krasnoyarsk in 2012. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Saicom Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt.Ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibition "Broadcast India - 2011", which will be held in October of this year in Mumbai. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Sama Marketing Business SMB Co.", our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in May of 2012 in Cairo (Egypt). More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company "Images Multimedia", our portal contains information about forum, which will be held in Mart of next year in Mumbai. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Jewellery Vernissage Ltd., our portal contains information of jewellery exhibitions, which will be held in Moscow this year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "EcoInform", our portal contains information of exhibition "WasteECo - 2012" which will be held in Mart of next year in Kharkov (Ukraine). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "TUREKS INTERNATIONAL FAIRS CO.", our portal contains information of exhibitions which will be held in Istanbul (Turkey). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Mega-Expo Ltd.", our portal contains information of exhibition "Maritime Industry of Russia - 2012" which will be held in May of next year in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Business Innovation Center "Ligas", our portal contains information of exhibitions which will be held in Ufa in 2012. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Real Media" Ltd., our portal contains information of exhibition "Municipal Russia - 2011" which will be held in October of this year in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo", our portal contains information of exhibition "Composite-Expo - 2012" which will be held in February of next year in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Wise Exhibition (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.", our portal contains information of exhibitions which will be held in Shenzhen (China) in July of the next year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with IEC "Crocus Expo", our portal contains information of exhibitions which will be held in Moscow in 2012. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Pixie Consulting Solutions. Ltd.", our portal contains information of exhibition "IAI EXPO - 2011" which will be held in December of this year in Karnal (India). More info...
