NDT Russia - 2025
Рудник - 2025

Server News

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Beijing Jinyi Youlian Exhibition Co., Ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibition "China International Hardware Fair (CIHF) - 2012" which will be held in March of the next year in Shanghai. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "West Africa Exhibitions and conferrences", our portal contains information about exhibition "Upstream and Downstream Oil and Gas Exhibition & Conferences - 2011" which will be held in Abuja (Nigeria). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Reed Exhibitions Россия", our portal contains information about exhibition "Aqua-Therm Moscow - 2012" which will be held in Moscow in February of the next year. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Global-Link Marketing and Management Services Inc", our portal contains information about "MENOPE - 2011" which will be held in December in Dubai (UAE). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "TNT Ipekyolu", our portal contains information about exhibition "Beauty Eurasia - 2011" which will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) in June of this year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "The Central-Asian International Exhibition company", our portal contains information about "International Industrial and Trade Exhibition Dushanbe - 2012" which will be held in April in Tajikistan. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Fira de Barcelona", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Barcelona (Spain). More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Mosaik S.L.", our portal contains information about exhibition "Fira del Taxi - 2011" which will be held in November in Barcelona (Spain). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Forum. Crimean Exhibitions Ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibition "Crimea. Building Industry. Energy. Autumn - 2011" which will be held in October in Simferopol (Ukraine). More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Life Medya Fuarcilik Ltd. Sti.", our portal contains information about exhibition "Zuchex - 2011" which will be held in September in Istanbul (Turkey). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Open Company "Exhibition Center Ryazan exhibition", our portal contains information about exhibition "Building Industry. Energy Saving - 2011" which will be held in November in Ryazan. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "agentura Bocatius", our portal contains information about exhibition "ABC Building - 2011" which will be held in September in Kosice (Slovakia). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "TEXTILLEGPROM" ltd., our portal contains information about 37th Federal Wholesale Fair "TEXTILLEGPROM" which will be held in September in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "The Association of Manufacturers and Resellers of Office and Stationery Products (APKOR)", our portal contains information about exhibition "Skrepka Expo - 2011" which will be held in September in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "Artenergy Srl" (Italy), our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Rome and Milano. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with "V-Trade Exhibitions Ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Debretsen (Hungary). More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company Fitness Faculty, our portal contains information about exhibition "White Fitness & Dance - 2011" which will be held in May in Saint-Petersburg. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "RNTA Expo", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Moscow and Donetsk in 2011-2012. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company "Zak Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibition "Zak Aluminium Extrusions Expo - 2011" which will be held in December in Mumbai. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company "Beijing Jinyi Youlian Exhibition Co., Ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibition "China International Hardware Fair (CIHF) - 2012" which will be held in March of next year in Shanghai. More info...
