IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

Server News

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Pacizone International Sdn Bhd", our portal contains information about exhibition "Malaysia International Medical Tourism - 2011" which will be held in May in Kuala-Lumpur. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "BEAUTY EXPO", our portal contains information about exhibition "World of Beauty & SPA Autumn - 2011" which will be held in the end of September in Prague. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "European Technical Institute" Ltd, our portal contains information about "International Cement Industry Congress - 2011" which will be held in October of this year in Belgorod. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Fair Consultants SA" (South Africa), our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Johannesburg in October of this year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Expo Georgia", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Tbilisi in this year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "JSC Kiev International Contract Fair", our portal contains information about "International Expoforum of Restaurant and Hotel Business and Cleaning - 2011" which will be held in November in Kiev. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chechen Republic, our portal contains information about exhibition "ChechenAgroExpo - 2011" which will be held in May in Grozny. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with National Joint Board of Glass Industry Enterprises "STEKLOSOYUZ", our portal contains information about exhibition "StekloExpo - 2011" which will be held in October of this year in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Ertzog - Travel Company", our portal contains information about exhibition "Ski Salon / Ski Build Expo - 2011" which will be held in October of this year in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company "Yagmur Fuarcilik" (Turkey), our portal contains information about exhibition "IPAF - 2011" which will be held in June of this year in Istanbul. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Ekaterinburg Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery Centre, our portal contains information about exhibition "Beauty Medicine - 2011" which will be held in September of this year in Ekaterinburg. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with Marketing Centre "Expokhleb", our portal contains information about exhibition "Grain-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2012" which will be held in Moscow in February next year. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company "MadridGolf - 2011" (Spain), our portal contains information about exhibition "MadridGolf - 2011" which will be held in November in Madrid. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "EgyMedica - 2011" (Egypt), our portal contains information about exhibition "EgyMedica - 2011" which will be held in May in Cairo. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "HINTE Messe und Ausstellungs GmbH" (Germany), our portal contains information about conference and exhibition in the field of geodesy "INTERGEO - 2011" which will be held in September in Nuremberg. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Vantage Trade Fairs (P) Limited", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Delhi and Cape Town. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Feira Internacional de Galicia" (India), our portal contains information about exhibition "IPVS - 2011" which will be held in November of this year in Ahmedabad. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Premier Expo" (Ukraine), our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Kiev in 2012. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "Expo Silesia", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Sosnowiec in 2012. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with company "BIRTV Organizing Committee", our portal contains information about exhibition "BIRTV - 2011" which will be held in August of this year in Beijing. More info...
