Дентал-экспо. Самара - 2025
Дентал-экспо. Самара - 2025

Server News

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with ITE Uzbekistan company, our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "TNT Productions, LLC", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Astana and Karaganda. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "World Expo Group", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Moscow . More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "MEDIA GLOBE - CROCUS", our portal has information about International Exhibition "Construction Equipment and Technologies - 2016", which will be held in Moscow, in the next year. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with the LLC "CentrElectroSvyaz", our portal has information about Annual Exhibition "SmolBuild: Interiors and Design - 2015", which will be held in Smolensk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with company "KrasnodarEXPO", our portal has information about Exhibition of Products and Services for Weddings and Family Celebrations "Wedding Salon - 2016", which will be held in May in Krasnodar. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with LLC "Health resort association "Health-centers of Anapa resort town", our portal has information about the International Tourism Exhibition "Anapa - the Вrightest Sun of Russia - 2016", which will be held in Anapa. More info...

Exponet.ru started cooperation with the Baikal Expo, LLC, our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Ulan-Ude. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Chip-Expo", our portal has information about the 6th International exhibition of electronic components "New Electronics - 2016", which will be held in April of the next year in Moscow. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Exhibition Company EMTG, our portal has information about the exhibition "VendExpo - 2016", which will be held in Moscow in March of the next year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "KrasnodarEXPO", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Krasnodar in the year 2016. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "EXPO-MOLD", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Moscow in the year 2016. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "EXPONSK" ltd., our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held this year in Novosibirsk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the company "Dagestan - EXPO", our portal has information about Interregional Specialized Jewelry Exhibition and Sale "Gold of Russia - World of Stone - 2015" which will be held in Makhachkala in December. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Forum. Crimean Exhibitions Ltd., our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Simferopol in 2016. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the "Vyatka Market Plus", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Kirov. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with "Ural Expo", our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Orenburg. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the Khabarovsk Fair, our portal has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Khabarovsk. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the company "Expo-Don", our portal has information about the exhibition "ELEKTRO - 2016. Electrical and Power Engineering", which will be held in Rostov-on-Don in March of the next year. More info...

Exponet.ru continued cooperation with the company "Expocentre", our portal has information about IInternational Electric Power Forum "Rugrids-Electro - 2015" which will be held in Moscow in October. More info...
